Configuring scheduling settings

This page discusses the usage of Advanced Roadmaps live plans. If you're using the redesigned planning interface, see this page instead.

The scheduler is one of core capabilities of Advanced Roadmaps. The scheduling algorithm will automatically assign teams to issues, take dependencies and priorities into account, and generate a realistic forecast.

The timeline view shows forecasted release dates, and allows you to break things down based on projects, teams, and team members.

You can configure the following items to get the most out of the scheduling algorithm of Advanced Roadmaps.

Errors and warnings

You can choose to display errors, warnings, or both for several issues that can happen in your plan. These issue include data conflicts and plan settings that may be configured incorrectly.

  1. In your plan, click more () next to the plan name > Configure > Scheduling.
  2. Select one of the following options for warning levels:
    • Errors only — Only errors will be displayed in your plan if any issue happens 
    • Errors and warnings — Both error and warnings will be displayed for any issue that happens in your plan
    • None — No messages will be displayed for any issue that happens in your plan

Planning mode

The following table lists the available planning mode settings.

Planning unit

The unit to use when work items are being estimated in your plan. Choose from days, hours, or story points as the planning unit of your plan.

Sprint length

The default duration of a sprint for all teams configured in your plan. By default, the sprint length is set to 2 weeks.

Default weekly capacityThe team's overall capacity in a work week, and is only used if there are no team members defined in that particular team
Unestimated item scheduling

Defines how any unestimated work items will be handled in the plan:

  • Base on default estimates — Across all hierarchy levels, the defined default estimates will be applied to all work items that have no children in the hierarchy configuration.
  • Base on target dates  Advanced Roadmaps will schedule unestimated work items to last the duration of their assigned sprint, release, or target date.
  • Custom — The start and end dates of unestimated items will be based on the custom dates (which come from custom fields previously configured) that you set. If you don't set these custom dates, the start and end dates will then take the default values of target start and target end dates, correspondingly.
  • Off — Advanced Roadmaps will ignore any unestimated items, and these items will have no impact on the schedule.

For more information about the options, see Scheduling unestimated items.

To configure the planning mode of a plan:

  1. In your plan, click more () next to the plan name > Configure > Scheduling.
  2. Configure the settings for the planning mode as necessary.

Scheduling options

The following table lists the available scheduling options.

Scheduling optionsDescription
Issue assignee import level
  • Defines the hierarchy level up to which Advanced Roadmaps will try to match the assignee of an issue to the corresponding member of the team. You can specify the level at which the issue assignees in Jira are indeed the people who will actually work on the issues.
  • For example, you might have the product manager assigned to an epic, and individual developers assigned to the stories within that epic. In reality, the product manager won't really be the person working on the stories, since it will be the developers themselves. You can then set the issue assignee import level to story, in this case. the will then take the story assignees into account, but not the epic assignees.
  • Sub-task is the default option enabled.
Maximum assignees per story

Defines the maximum number of people who can be assigned to work on an individual story. A maximum of three (3) assignees per story is set by default.

Dependency scheduling

Defines how dependencies are ranked during scheduling work items.

  • Rank dependent work item below required item (enabled by default)
  • Rank required work item above dependent item
  • Off

See Configuring the scheduling of dependencies for more details.

Dependent story constraint
  • On (enabled by default) — Prevents work items with dependencies from being worked on at the same time. The work items will be scheduled in different sprints for Scrum teams, and different days for Kanban teams.
  • Off — Allows work items with dependencies to be worked on at the same time.

Note that no matter the option chosen, the dependent work items can never start before their predecessors.

Enforce concurrent work

The following options only apply if there are multiple team members assigned to a single work item.

  • On (enabled by default) — The scheduling algorithm of Advanced Roadmaps will ensure that the work for that issue will be scheduled into a single sprint.
  • Off — Advanced Roadmaps will schedule the work of the assigned team members whenever there is free capacity, thereby allowing the work item to span multiple sprints.
Stage sprint constraint
  • On (enabled by default) — The separate stages of a work items will be scheduled sequentially into different sprints.
  • Off — Work across the multiple stages of a work item can happen in parallel in a single sprint.
Minimum work package size

The minimum work in story points for all work items above the story level in the hierarchy configuration of Advanced Roadmaps. By definition, work items above the story level would be considered high-level work — which is typically broken down into stories. By setting the minimum work package size, you can avoid filling up any free capacity with work items that are unrealistically small.

  • To make Advanced Roadmaps schedule high-level work as realistically as possible, set the minimum work package size to the estimate of a small story.
  • To purposely fill your capacity to the maximum, set the minimum work package size to 0.
  • A minimum work package size of five (5) story points is set by default.

To configure the scheduling options of a plan:

  1. In your plan, click more () next to the plan name > Configure > Scheduling.
  2. Configure the scheduling options as necessary.


How do I keep assignee and team member in sync between Jira and Advanced Roadmaps?

You can do this as long as you have boards as an issue source.

To pull in assignees from Jira:

  1. In your plan, click more () next to the plan name > Configure > Scheduling.

  2. Set the 'issue assignee import level' to the hierarchy level that you want to get the assignees from.

If the assignee is a team member associated with the board that's the issue source of your plan, then that team member will be automatically assigned.

To push team members to Jira:

  1. Make sure to configure commit options.

  2. Commit your plan changes to Jira.

If a single team member is assigned to an issue in Advanced Roadmaps, then the team member will be the assignee of the corresponding issue in Jira.

Last modified on Aug 7, 2020

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