File List Blueprint

The File List blueprint helps you to create lists of files to share with your team. Great for organising documents, images and presentations.

The first time you use the File List blueprint in a space, Confluence will create an index page and add a shortcut to your space sidebar (if you're using the default theme). The index page lists the latest File List pages in that space. You can have as many File List pages as you need.

tip/resting Created with Sketch.

If you want to quickly create a blank page, hit the Create button in the header; if you want to create a page from a template, hit the Create from template button.

To create a file list:

  1. Choose Create from template  in the Confluence header
  2.  Select File List and hit Next
  3. Enter the details for your file list and hit Create
  4. Drag files from your desktop or choose browse for files to search for files on your computer

Attachments appear on the page, and you can expand each attachment to preview the file and/or view its details.

In this example, three file list pages have been created to store project related presentations, images and customer feedback. Confluence looks after the versioning of the files, so there's no need to use the document file name to mark version numbers.

Screenshot: Index page showing File List pages

Screenshot: A File List page

Customising this blueprint

You can customise the templates that are used by the File List blueprint - see Customising blueprint templates.

The File List blueprint template uses the attachments macro. You can customise the macro to change the sort order or hide features such as version history and the upload attachment fields.

You can also edit the Content Report Table macro used on the Index page to specify the number of pages you want to display.

Last modified on Dec 2, 2015

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