How to Change Default Jira Columns to display in Jira issue macro

The customizations described on this page are outside the scope of Atlassian support. Please see Atlassian Support Offerings for more information.


User would like to customize the default columns  to display in JIRA issue macro according to their requirement.  Below is the default columns to display


Need to customize confluence-jira-plugin jar file. Please follow the below steps in order to customize:

1. Install 7-zip

2. Shutdown Confluence

3. Find for confluence-jira-plugin-x.x.x jar file which is located at <Confluence installation>/confluence/WEB-INF/atlassian-bundled-plugins/

4. Create the backup of the original file. once done, move to the next step

5. Right click and click open archive

6. Click on JIRA folder > find for searchpanel-min.js , right-click on the file and click edit. After that find for JiraConnector.Panel.Search.prototype, in the same row you can find the defaultColumns (hint : check the beginning of the file), replace/change as per your requirement then save it.



7. After that you need to do the same process as in step 5 for searchpanel.js (check the beginning of the file and check for defaultColumns)

AJS.Editor.JiraConnector.Panel.Search = function () {
    this.jql_operators = /=|!=|~|>|<|!~| is | in /i;
AJS.Editor.JiraConnector.Select2 = AJS.Editor.JiraConnector.Select2 || {};
AJS.Editor.JiraConnector.Panel.Search.prototype = AJS.$.extend(AJS.Editor.JiraConnector.Panel.Search.prototype, AJS.Editor.JiraConnector.Panel.prototype);
AJS.Editor.JiraConnector.Panel.Search.prototype = AJS.$.extend(AJS.Editor.JiraConnector.Panel.Search.prototype, {
    defaultColumns: 'key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution',
    defaultColumnIds: 'issuekey,summary,issuetype,created,updated,duedate,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution',


8. Save all the changes and Restart your Confluence

Last modified on Apr 11, 2022

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