Base64 encoding
We don't recommend Base64 encoding in production for securing secrets because it doesn't provide encryption, and therefore cannot guarantee sufficient data protection.
This type of encoding is suitable for users who don’t want to store passwords in plaintext, but don't have to meet specific requirements to encode them.
Encoding the password
For this method, we'll use Base64 encoding, which is a way to achieve simple obfuscation of sensitive data.
Step 1. Encoding the password
When you encode the database password, you can supply some optional arguments, as shown in the table below.
Argument | Description |
| Canonical class name of the cipher. Leave empty to use the default: |
| Output the help message, which displays these optional arguments |
| Use encrypt (default) or |
| The plaintext password that you want to encrypt. If you omit this parameter, the console will ask you to type the password. |
| Log minimum info. |
To encode the database password, follow the steps below.
To encode the database password
- Go to
. Run the following command to encode your password. Additionally, you can use optional arguments described above.
java -cp "./*" com.atlassian.secrets.cli.db.DbCipherTool
When this command is run you should see output similar to this:
2023-10-10 03:58:01,548 main INFO [com.atlassian.secrets.DefaultSecretStoreProvider] Initiating secret store class: 2023-10-10 03:58:01,568 main DEBUG [] Initiate Base64Cipher 2023-10-10 03:58:01,583 main DEBUG [] Encrypting data... 2023-10-10 03:58:01,585 main DEBUG [] Encryption done. Success! For Jira, set the following properties in dbconfig.xml: <atlassian-password-cipher-provider></atlassian-password-cipher-provider> <password>c2VjcmV0</password> For Bitbucket, set the following properties in jdbc.password=c2VjcmV0 For Bamboo, set the following properties in bamboo.cfg.xml: <property name="jdbc.password.decrypter.classname"></property> <property name="hibernate.connection.password">c2VjcmV0</property> For Confluence, set the following properties in confluence.cfg.xml: <property name="jdbc.password.decrypter.classname"></property> <property name="hibernate.connection.password">c2VjcmV0</property>
Step 2. Adding the encoded password to dbconfig.xml
To add the encoded password:
Back up the
file. Move the backup to a safe place outside of your instance.In the
file, add or modify the<atlassian-password-cipher-provider>
property to
In the
file, add or modify the<password>
property to contain the Base64 encoded value:c2VjcmV0
Once updated, check that
contains:<atlassian-password-cipher-provider></atlassian-password-cipher-provider> <password>c2VjcmV0</password>
Restart Jira.
Decoding the password
To decode the password:
Extend the command with the
-m decrypt -cp "./*" com.atlassian.secrets.cli.db.DbCipherTool -m decrypt
When asked for a password, provide the encoded one from your
file.2023-10-10 04:57:22,330 main INFO [com.atlassian.secrets.DefaultSecretStoreProvider] Initiating secret store class: 2023-10-10 04:57:22,345 main DEBUG [] Initiate Base64Cipher 2023-10-10 04:57:22,360 main DEBUG [] Decrypting data... 2023-10-10 04:57:22,364 main DEBUG [] Decryption done. Success! Decrypted password using cipher provider: decrypted password: secret