Importing and exporting data
Administering Jira Data Center 10.0 applications
- Jira applications and project types overview
- Getting started as an administrator
- Installing Jira applications
- Layout and design
- User management
- Configuring projects
- Importing and exporting data
- Configuring Jira application emails
- Jira system administration
- Jira Data Center documentation
- Performance and scaling
- Security overview and advisories
- Getting help
On this page
In this section
Related content
- Surviving connection closures
- Monitoring database connection usage
- Configuring the Dynamic LDAP connection pool
- Configuring the JNDI LDAP connection pool
- Connecting Jira applications to SQL Server 2022
- Connecting Jira applications to PostgreSQL
- Jira Data Center monitoring
- Configuring advanced settings
- Using the Jira application configuration tool
- Connecting Jira applications to Pgpool-II
At times, you may need to import or export data to or from Jira. You may want to import data from another tool (like Github or Fogbugz), another Jira instance, or from a manually prepared file such as a CSV or JSON file. You may want to export your data so that you can perform some manual manipulation on it, or to move a project from one instance to another. This section of the documentation explains how to perform imports and exports of your data. If you'd like more information on backing up your data, and restoring a backup, please refer to the System administration section of the documentation.
Migrating data from other tools
Learn more about ho to import data from various tools. We also have information on how to structure CSV or JSON files for import.
Moving or archiving projects
Learn more about how you can move or archive individual or multiple projects between Jira instances.
Importing to a Cloud instance
In this section
Related content
- Surviving connection closures
- Monitoring database connection usage
- Configuring the Dynamic LDAP connection pool
- Configuring the JNDI LDAP connection pool
- Connecting Jira applications to SQL Server 2022
- Connecting Jira applications to PostgreSQL
- Jira Data Center monitoring
- Configuring advanced settings
- Using the Jira application configuration tool
- Connecting Jira applications to Pgpool-II