Viewing your system information

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Jira provides you with detailed information about your system configuration, as described in the table below. This information can be useful when modifying, troubleshooting, or upgrading your system.

Viewing your Jira system information

  1. Log in as a user with the 'Jira Administrators' global permission.
  2. Choose Administration () > System. Select System support > System Info to open the System Info page.

    The following categories of information is shown on the 'System Info' page:


Any warnings about known issues with your configuration will be displayed here.

System info



Base URL

The base URL of this Jira installation. It is used in outgoing email notifications as the prefix for links to Jira issues. It can be changed as described in Configuring Jira options.

System Date

The Jira server's system date.

System Time

The Jira server's system time.

Current Working Directory

States the current Jira Working Directory.Please see Important directories and files for more information.

Java Version

The Jira server's Java version.

Java Vendor

The Jira server's Java vendor.

JVM Version

The Jira server's JVM version.

JVM Vendor

The Jira server's JVM version.

JVM Implementation Version

The Jira server's JVM implementation version.

Java Runtime

The Jira server's Java runtime environment.

Java VM

The Jira server's Java Virtual Machine.

User Name

The operating system login name which Jira runs under.

User Timezone

The Jira server's timezone.

User Locale

The Jira server's locale. Unless the default language is modified in Jira's general configuration, the User Locale will dictate the default language.

System Encoding

The Jira server's system encoding.

Operating System

The Jira server's operating system.

OS Architecture

The Jira server's operating system architecture (e.g. i386).

Application Server Container

The application server in which your Jira instance is running.(See Supported platforms for a list of supported application servers.)

Database type

The type of database to which your Jira instance is connected.(See Supported platforms for a list of supported application servers.)

Database JNDI address

The JNDI address of the database to which your Jira instance is connected.(For more details, see Connecting Jira to a database.)

Database URL

The URL of the database to which your Jira instance is connected.(For more details, see Connecting Jira to a database.)

Database version

The version of the database to which your Jira instance is connected.(See Supported platforms for a list of supported application servers.)

Database driver

The driver which your Jira instance is using to connect to its database.(For more details, see Connecting Jira to a database.)

External user management

'ON' / 'OFF' indicates whether Jira's users are being managed externally or internally to Jira (e.g. via Crowd).

Crowd integration

'YES' / 'NO' indicates whether Atlassian's Crowd identity management system has been integrated with this instance of Jira. For more information please see the chapter titled 'Integrating Jira with Crowd' in the Crowd documentation.

JVM Input Arguments

A list of any variables that are being passed to your application server when it starts up.(For more information, see Setting properties and options on startup.)

Modified Files

A list of any files in your Jira installation that have been modified as part installation or customization of Jira.

Removed Files

A list of any files that have beeen removed from your Jira installation.

Java VM Memory Statistics

Java applications, such as Jira, run in a "Java virtual machine" (JVM) instead of directly within an operating system. When started, the Java virtual machine is allocated a certain amount of memory, which it makes available to applications like Jira. The following table shows the JVM memory data for your Jira instance.



Total Memory

The total amount of memory allocated to the JVM that is available to this instance of Jira.(For more details, see Increasing Jira memory.)

Free Memory

The amount of free JVM memory currently available to this instance of Jira.

Used Memory

The amount of JVM memory currently being used by this instance of Jira.

Memory Graph

A bar graph showing the available versus free JVM memory. You can click the 'Force garbage collection' link to start a clean-up. Note that this is generally not needed (even if the graph shows 100% utilization) unless you want to examine Jira's baseline heap usage.

Jira Info




The period of time since your Jira instance was last started.


The 'edition' of Jira you are running.


The version of Jira you are running.

Build Number

The build number of your Jira version. This is generally only useful to Atlassian's support engineers.

Build Date

The date on which your Jira version was built. This is generally only useful to Atlassian's support engineers.

Atlassian Partner

Indicates whether your distribution of Jira was built by an Atlassian partner company. Blank indicates that it was built directly by Atlassian.

Installation Type

Indicates whether Jira has been installed as a 'recommended' distribution or as a 'WAR' distribution. (Note we no longer support WAR installations or builds.)

Server ID

This number is calculated automatically by Jira, based on your license number.

Last Upgrade

The time at which your Jira installation was last upgraded, and from which version it was upgraded from (if applicable). Click the 'More Information...' link to see a list of all upgrades that have been performed on your JIRA system from version 4.1 onwards.

Installed Languages

A list of all language packs available within the Jira system.(Note: to install additional languages, see Translating Jira.)

Default Language

The language used throughout the Jira interface. To change the default language, see Configuring Jira options. Note that users can override the default language by changing the Language preference in their user profile.

License Info

(warning) To edit your license details, see Licensing your Jira applications. Note that you will require the 'Jira System Administrators' global permission.



Date Purchased

The date on which this system's Jira license was originally purchased. Note: you can verify this information by visiting

License Type

For information about the different types of Jira licenses, please see

Maintenance Period End Date

For information about Jira support and maintenance, please see

Maintenance Status

For information about Jira support and maintenance, please see

Support Entitlement Number (SEN)

For information about Jira support and maintenance, please see

Configuration Info



Attachments Enabled

'true' / 'false' indicates whether or not users can attach files and screenshots to issues in this Jira system (subject to project permissions). For more information, see Configuring file attachments.

Issue Voting Enabled

'true' / 'false' indicates whether or not users can vote on issues in this Jira system (subject to project permissions). For more information, see Configuring Jira options.

Issue Watching Enabled

'true' / 'false' indicates whether or not users can watch issues in this Jira system (subject to project permissions). For more information, see Configuring Jira options.

Unassigned Issues Enabled

'true' / 'false' indicates whether or not issues can be 'unassigned' (i.e. assigned to no one) in this Jira system. For more information, see Configuring Jira options.

Sub-Tasks Enabled

'true' / 'false' indicates whether or not 'sub-task' issues can be created in this Jira system. For more information, see Configuring sub-tasks.

Issue Linking Enabled

'true' / 'false' indicates whether or not issues can be linked to each other within this Jira system. For more information, see Configuring issue linking.

Time Tracking Enabled

'true' / 'false' indicates whether or not time (work) can be logged on issues in this Jira system. For more information, see Configuring time tracking.

Time Tracking Hours Per Day

The number of hours per working day for which work that can be logged on issues in this Jira system. For more information, see Configuring time tracking.

Time Tracking Days Per Week

The number of days per week for which work that can be logged on issues in this Jira system. For more information, see Configuring time tracking.

Database statistics

The information in this section can help determine how much resource (e.g. memory) your Jira system requires.




The number of issues that have been created in this Jira system.


The number of projects that have been created in this Jira system.

Custom Fields

The number of custom fields that have been created in this Jira system.


The number of workflows that have been created in this Jira system.


The number of user IDs that have been created in this Jira system.


The number of groups that have been created in this Jira system.

File Paths



Location of Jira Home

The path to your Jira home directory.(For information about changing the location, see Setting your Jira application home directory.)

Location of entityengine.xml

The path to your Entity Engine.(For database-specific information about configuring your entityengine.xml file, see Connecting Jira applications to a database.)

Location of atlassian-Jira.log

The path to the Jira log file. Note that, if you are requesting support, the support engineers will generally need your application server log file as well as your Jira log file.(For information about changing the logging level, see Logging and profiling; note that you will require the 'Jira System Administrators' global permission.)

Location of indexes

The path to your Jira search indexes, not your database indexes.(For information about moving the indexes, please see Search indexing; note that you will require the 'Jira System Administrators' global permission.)


This section lists all the listeners that are installed in this Jira system. For more information, see Listeners. Note that you will require the 'Jira System Administratorsglobal permission in order to register a listener.


This section lists all the services that are installed in this Jira system. For more information, please see Services. Note that you will require the 'Jira System Administratorsglobal permission in order to register a service.


The app sections lists all plugins that are installed in this Jira system, broken down by System Apps and User installed Apps. For more information, please see Managing apps.

System properties

The information in this section is specific to the application server and Java version you are using, and is generally only useful to Atlassian's support engineers.

Trusted Applications

This section lists all 'trusted application' (i.e. applications that Jira will allow to access specified functions on behalf of any user — without the user logging in to Jira). Trusted applications have now been superseded by application links, and you can find more information on application links here.

Last modified on Jul 21, 2023

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