View Space Activity

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The space and site statistics features described on this page are disabled by default. We don't recommend this feature for large sites as it can significantly slow down your site. 

If you have Confluence Data Center, check out Analytics which is designed for enterprise scale, and can be used in big, busy sites. 

Space activity information is disabled by default, and the 'Activity' tab won't be visible unless the Confluence Usage Stats system app is enabled. See notes below.

If enabled, the space activity screen displays statistics on the activity in each space. These include:

  • How many pages and blog posts have been viewed, added or updated over a given period.
  • Which content is the most popular (most frequently viewed).
  • Which content is the most active (most frequently edited).
  • Which people are the most active contributors/editors of content.

To view the activity in a space:

  1. Go to the space and choose Space Tools at the bottom of the sidebar
  2. Choose Activity

You'll see a graphic display of the number of pages and blog posts that have been viewed, added, and edited, showing trends over a period of time.

Screenshot: The Space Activity tab

In addition to the graphical representation of Views and Edits,  the top ten most popular and most active pages and/or blog posts will be listed, with a link to each.

Screenshot: Popular content, active content, and active contributors.

Enable Confluence Usage Stats

To enable the Confluence Usage Stats system app:

  1. Go to  > Manage apps
  2. Select System from the dropdown then search for Confluence Usage Stats.
  3. Expand the listing and choose Enable


  • To view Space Activity the Confluence Usage Stats system plugin must be enabled. This plugin is known to cause performance problems on large installations and is disabled by default. System administrators can enable this system app. 

  • The app only collects data when it's activated.

  • If you're using Confluence Data Center or Confluence Cloud, space activity information isn't available. 

  • Page hits aren't unique - the graph on the Space Activity screen includes all page hits, including multiple visits by the same user.
Last modified on Feb 2, 2021

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