Importing, exporting and duplicating classic plans
Classic plan
On this page
This page refers to Portfolio classic plans. If you are currently running Portfolio 2.0, please check this link to access the latest page version.
A plan's backlog and releases information can be easily exported to csv for building custom reports or importing into a spreadsheet application or it can also be exported as an xml file for backing up, duplicating, transferring and re-importing plan files directly in Portfolio for Jira.
How to import plan
Follow these steps to import a plan:
- Select Portfolio > Create Plan from the main menu.
- Select Import File.
- Choose Select File to locate and import a previously exported Plan XML file.
How to duplicate a classic plan
Follow these steps to duplicate a plan
- Export your current plan in form of xml.
- Create a new plan
- Import the xml file using a different plan title.
If you don't specify a title, the title contained in the exported file will be applied. However, you can directly specify a new title for the imported plan as well.
How to export a plan
Follow these steps to export a plan:
- Open the plan you want to export.
- Go to Plan > Export.
- Configure the export by choosing the following export options:
Include issue links | Issue links will be exported and preserved after the import. This option makes sense only when re-importing to the same Jira instance so that the issues with the corresponding issue keys exist in the system, otherwise there will be broken issue links that have to be removed manually. |
Render data anonymous | Use this option in case you export your plan for technical issues or support questions. All relevant data fields will be replaced with anonymous IDs, so that no sensitive data is contained in Portfolio for Jira. |
Once the export has been completed, you will get an xml file with the plan details.