Using Portfolio beta features
Administering Portfolio for Jira
On this page
Portfolio for Jira enables our customers to try exciting new functionalities within Portfolio for Jira while these features are still in the beta phase. This gives you a sneak peek of the new features that are coming in future releases of Portfolio for Jira.
Please note that these beta features represent work-in-progress. These features may be incomplete, or may change before being incorporated into Portfolio for Jira. In some cases, these features may never be incorporated into Portfolio for Jira.
We will try to keep the beta features as stable as possible. However, please note that we can't guarantee that any data used while evaluating a beta feature will stay completely intact.
You can provide feedback on these beta features by clicking on the Feedback icon on the header.
Enabling beta features
- Log in as a user with the 'Jira Administrators' permission.
- Go to Portfolio (in header) > Administration > Portfolio beta features.
Select the checkbox for the beta feature that you want to enable.