Installing Confluence on Windows

In this guide we'll run you through installing Confluence in a production environment, with an external database, using the Windows installer.

This is the most straightforward way to get your production site up and running on a Windows server.

Other ways to install Confluence:

  • Evaluation - get your free trial up and running in no time.
  • Zip – install Confluence manually from a zip file. 
  • Linux – install Confluence on a Linux operating system

On this page:

Before you begin

Before you install Confluence, there's a few questions you need to answer. 

Are you using a supported operating system?
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Check the Supported Platforms page for the version of Confluence you are installing. This will give you info on supported operating systems, databases and browsers.

Good to know:

  • We don't support installing Confluence on OSX.
  • The Confluence installer includes Java (JRE) and Tomcat, so you don't need to install these separately.
Do you want to run Confluence as a Windows Service?
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Running Confluence as a service in Windows means that Confluence will automatically start up when Windows is started.

If you choose to run Confluence as a service:

If you choose not to run Confluence as a service:

  • You will start and stop Confluence using the Windows Start menu, or by running a file in your Confluence installation directory.
  • Confluence will be run as the Windows user account that was used to install Confluence, or you can choose to run as a dedicated user.
  • Confluence will need to be restarted manually if your server is restarted.
Are ports 8090 and 8091 available?
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Is your database set up and ready to use?
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Do you have a Confluence license?

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There’s a known issue during setup where a load balancer (or proxy) pings the server and breaks Confluence installation or migration to Data Center. See CONFSERVER-61189 - Getting issue details... STATUS
During installation, you need to disable load balancer health checks and make sure you don’t open multiple tabs that point to the same Confluence URL.

Install Confluence

1. Download Confluence

Download the installer for your operating system -

2. Run the installer

  1. Run the installer. We recommend using a dedicated Windows administrator account.
  2. Follow the prompts to install Confluence. You'll be asked for the following info:
    1.  Destination directory – this is where Confluence will be installed.
    2.  Home directory – this is where Confluence data like logs, search indexes and files will be stored.
    3.  TCP ports – these are the HTTP connector port and control port Confluence will run on. Stick with the default unless you're running another application on the same port. 
    4. Install as service – this option is only available if you ran the installer as administrator.
  3.  Confluence will start up in your browser once installation is complete.

Set up Confluence

3. Choose installation type

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4. Enter your license

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5. Connect to your database

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6. Populate your new site with content

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7. Choose where to manage users

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8. Create your administrator account

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9. Start using Confluence

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Running into problems installing Confluence?

Head to Installation Troubleshooting in our Knowledge Base for more help.  

Last modified on Oct 6, 2021

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