Printing issue cards

Whether you're planning work or working on issues for Scrum or Kanban projects, it may also be good to print out these issue cards. You and your team can use the printed cards on a physical board, which can be a replication of your board on JIRA Software. You can print a single issue card or multiple issue cards, if you want. You can also print all issue cards in your current board.

The printed issue cards include the following issue details:

  • Summary
  • Issue type
  • Issue key
  • Issue priority
  • Estimate
  • Assignee
  • Epic (optional in Active sprints/Kanban board)
  • Version (when printing from the backlog)
  • Up to 3 extra fields, depending on your card layout configuration

The printed issue cards fit on A4-, A3-, or Letter-sized pages in both portrait and landscape modes.

To print an issue card:

  1. Click Boards (in header) > select your desired board.
  2. Right-click the issue that you want to print > Print selected card. The Print window will be displayed.
  3. Select the card size for printing from the 'Card size' drop-down.
  4. Click the Print button, and use the print functionality for your browser.


  • To print multiple issue cards, select the issues while pressing and holding down the 'Shift' or 'Ctrl' key, and then right-click > Print selected cards. The Print window displays the number of issue cards for printing.
  • To print all issues in your current board, click Board > Print cards.
  • When filters are active, only the visible issues will be printed.
  • When printing from a Scrum backlog, you can filter the cards for printing by selecting one of the sprints from the 'Select' drop-down.

Next steps

(info) Need help? If you can't find the answer you need in our documentation, we have other resources available to help you. See Getting help.

Last modified on Oct 6, 2016

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