Details of 2-legged OAuth (2LO) with impersonation


Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible




What does Atlassian pass as a credential when an application link is set up using OAuth with impersonation?



Short answer:  App doesn't pass anything as a credential during creation of the link, it relies on proper cookie from another App to login. Later it uses oauth_token.

Detailed answer

Main logic of authentication and authorization flow is based on the standard 2-Legged OAuth but with a small variation inspired by how Google implemented the protocol oauth_prot
In our case we use following 2-Legged OAuth flow:

  1. Admin setup 2-Legged OAuth with impersonation between applications AppA and AppB.
  2. User initiates Trust action
  3. AppA redirects user to AppB page, call: plugins/servlet/applinks/oauth/login-dance/authorize?applicationLinkID=LINK_ID
  4. AppB checks if user is authenticated (authenticate the user if required)
  5. AppB generates auth_token, call: plugins/servlet/oauth/authorize?oauth_callback=AppA_page&oauth_token=9XfaPGFDI0s658H8hnu6cxslP0ApHCam
  6. AppB asks for approval and stores the reply, call: plugins/servlet/oauth/authorize, Body: 

  7. AppB redirects back to AppA with oauth_token, call: /plugins/servlet/applinks/oauth/login-dance/access?applicationLinkID=LINK_ID&oauth_token=9XfaPGFDI0s658H8hnu6cxslP0ApHCam&oauth_verifier=verify_ID
  8. AppA stores the new oauth_token for the user.
  9. user at AppB trusts to AppA to execute action at AppB on it's behalf based on oauth_token.

You can see additional details here: OAuth+security+for+application+links


Last modified on Nov 2, 2018

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