Delete a Space

Deleting a space permanently removes the space and all of its contents. To delete a space you must be an administrator of the space.

(warning) Deleting a space is permanent. If you're unsure, always create an XML backup of the space before proceeding. You can also choose to backup the attachments if you need to.

Once you've deleted the space, there is no way to restore it unless you've made an XML space backup. 

See Restoring a Space.

To delete a space:

  1. Go to the space and choose Space tools > Overview from the bottom of the sidebar

  2. Choose Delete Space
  3. Choose OK

If your space is using the Documentation theme:

  1. Choose Browse > Space Admin from the header

    Note: The Space Admin option appears only if you have space admin permissions, or if you're part of the 'confluence-administrators' group.

  2. Choose Delete Space in the space administration options
  3. Choose OK

Members of the confluence-administrators group can also delete spaces, including personal spaces.

Last modified on Dec 2, 2015

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