Edit Space Details

Space details are the name, description, home page, and archived status of a space, which you can edit if you're an administrator of the space.

You can also view the space key and the space creator's name, but you can't edit them.

To edit a space's details:

  1. Go to the space and choose Space tools > Overview from the bottom of the sidebar
     If your space uses the Documentation theme, choose Browse > Space Admin in the header.
  2. Choose Edit Space Details
  3. Update any of the following:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Status – Set the status to 'Archived' if you want to archive the space.
    • Home page – Start typing the name of a page in the space, then select it to set it as the new home page. This is the page you'll see when you navigate to the space. If you set this field to blank (no selection) the default home page will be the 'Pages' page.

(info) The space fields don't accept wiki markup; if you enter wiki markup in these fields, it'll be displayed as plain text. You can also change the name of a space via the sidebar.

Last modified on Dec 2, 2015

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