default repository
- activity log
- agent
- agent-specific capability
- artifact
- authors in Bamboo
- build
- build activity
- build duration
- build log
- build queue
- build result
- build telemetry
- capability
- child
- committer
- custom capability
- default repository
- elastic agent
- elastic Bamboo
- elastic block store
- elastic image
- elastic instance
- executable
- favorites
- global permission
- job
- label
- parent
- permission
- plan
- plan permission
- projects in Bamboo
- queue
- reason
- remote agent
- remote agent supervisor
- requirement
- shared capability
- stage
- Stock images
- task
- triggering
- watcher
On this page
Related content
- Creating issues and sub-tasks
- How to automatically transition parent linked issue when all child linked issues in the same status using Automation
- Create issues and sub-tasks
- Automation Rule Not Updating Cascade Field Correctly
- Creating issues using the CSV importer
- Cannot delete an issue type and unable to find issues associated to a deleted issue type
- Moving an issue
- Configuring sub-tasks
- Adding, editing, and deleting an issue type
The first repository in the list of plan repositories is the Plan's Default Repository. The default repository will be automatically checked out by any new job created.
Repository specific Plan Variables, such as repository.revision.number, will point to the default repository of a Plan. To address a specific repository, you must add the name of the repository to the end of the variable as follows: repository.revision.number.product_core.
Last modified on May 24, 2016
Related content
- Creating issues and sub-tasks
- How to automatically transition parent linked issue when all child linked issues in the same status using Automation
- Create issues and sub-tasks
- Automation Rule Not Updating Cascade Field Correctly
- Creating issues using the CSV importer
- Cannot delete an issue type and unable to find issues associated to a deleted issue type
- Moving an issue
- Configuring sub-tasks
- Adding, editing, and deleting an issue type
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