Confluence Search Syntax
This page describes the special words and punctuation marks you can use to refine your search.
Matched phrase search
Use double quotes to search for content that contains the phrase 'cheese one', or a phrase where 'cheese' and 'one' are the major words:
"cheese one"
Note: Confluence will ignore common words (stop words), including 'and', 'the', 'or', and more, even if they are included within double quotes. See the default list of stop words used by Confluence's search engine, Lucene, in the Lucene documentation.
For example:
- Searching for "cheese one" returns only pages in which 'one' appears as the first word after 'cheese'.
- Searching for "the one" returns all pages containing 'one' because 'the' is a stop word.
If you'd like to override Lucene's tokenization and stemming, cast your vote on this improvement request:
Provide ability to override Lucene tokenisation and stemming and search for exact text (literal search)
In Progress
OR search
To search for content that contains one of the terms, 'chalk' or 'cheese', use the operator OR in capital letters:
chalk OR cheese
AND search
To search for content that contains both the terms 'chalk' and 'cheese', use the operator AND in capital letters:
chalk AND cheese
NOT search
To search for content that contains 'chalk' but NOT 'cheese', use the operator NOT in capital letters:
chalk NOT cheese
Excluded term search
To search for content that contains 'chalk' and 'butter' but not 'cheese':
chalk butter -cheese
Group search terms
To search for content that must contain 'chalk' but can contain either 'cheese' or 'butter', use brackets to group the search terms:
(cheese OR butter) AND chalk
Title search
To search for pages and posts with certain words in the title, use the Add a filter option at the bottom left of the page and choose With title. Enter the words you're looking for, in any order, and hit enter.
Date range search
To search for content modified within a certain date range, pick a timeframe in the Last modified section on the left. If you're looking for something created within a particular date range, use the Add a filter option at the bottom left of the page and choose Created. For either option, you can pick from some predefined options, like last 24 hours and last week.
Wildcard searches
You can use one or more wildcard characters in your search. For example, you could search for http*.atlassian.*
to find or
Leading wildcards
Lucene doesn't allow wildcards at the beginning of your search, but you can format your search as a regular expression as a workaround. For example, you can't search for *hum*
or ?hum*
, as they begin with a wildcard, but you can search for /.*hum.*/ and find things like hum, human, and inhumane.
Wildcards can either replace a single character in your search, or multiple characters.
Single character
To replace a single character in your search, use a question mark (?) as a wildcard, For example, to search for 'butter', 'bitter', 'better', or 'batter'.
Multiple characters
To replace multiple characters in your search, use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. For example, to search for 'chicken' or 'chickpea':
Multiple wildcards
Use multiple wildcards in your search. The following query will search find 'chick', 'coconut', or 'chickpea':
You can also combine wildcard characters in one search. For example, the search term below will return 'chick' but not 'chickpea':
Note: Confluence doesn't support leading wildcards. This means searching for *heese
will not return cheese.
Proximity searches
Use a tilde character followed by a number, to find two words within a certain number of words of each other.
For example, the following search will return 'Octagon blog post', but not 'Octagon team blog post':
"octagon post"~1
The following search isn't valid, because you can't search for two words within zero words of each other. If you think the words are next to each other, use the matched phrase search.
"octagon post"~0
Range search
Use the operator 'TO', in capital letters, to search for names that fall alphabetically within a specified range:
[adam TO ben]
Note: You can't use the AND keyword inside this statement.
Fuzzy search
Use a tilde (~) character to find words spelled similarly.
If you want to search for octagon, but you're not sure how it's been spelt, type the word followed by a tilde:
Combined search
You can also combine various search terms together:
o?tag* AND past~ AND ("blog" AND "post")
Searching for macros
You can search Confluence content to find where a macro is used. Start your search string with macroName:
and type the macro name after the colon. For example, to search for all excerpt-include macros:
For more information about macroName
and other search fields, see Confluence Search Fields.
Searching for labels
To search for pages and posts with a particular label or labels, use the Add a filter option at the bottom left of the page and choose Label.