Create a Space From a Template
Confluence comes with a number of templates, known as space blueprints, which have a customized homepage and sidebar, and may contain page blueprints or sample content to help you get started.
This page is about space blueprints. You can also use Blueprints to create individual pages.
You can find blueprints for creating a team space, knowledge base space, documentation space, or software project space.
Your Confluence administrator can customize or disable your blueprint templates. See Create a Template and Administering Site Templates for more information on templates.
Types of Blueprints
Team space
A great building block if you are using Confluence as an intranet or to manage teams. Team spaces highlight the members of the team, and grants permissions to those users accordingly.
Knowledge base space
This space blueprint uses search and page labels to make content easier to find, right from the space homepage. It also contains two page blueprints for creating how-to and troubleshooting articles. The templates used in these page blueprints are completely customizable. The Knowledge Base space blueprint also Use JIRA applications and Confluence together.
Documentation space
This space blueprint displays the full page tree in the sidebar and hides other sidebar features including blogs and shared links. The homepage uses search and page labels to make content easy to find. Add the 'featured' label to any page you want to highlight on the homepage. This space does not include any page blueprints but you can create and promote templates for your documentation authors to use.
Software project space
This space is designed to help you organize your software project. The purpose-built space home page lets you view and edit your roadmap, see team members, and Use JIRA applications and Confluence together. Create pages in this space for requirements, meeting notes, decisions, retros, and more.
The software project space blueprint will only appear if you have linked Confluence to your JIRA Software instance.
Check out our guides for some more tips on how to: