Office Word Macro
The Office Word macro displays the content of a Word document on a wiki page. First attach the document to a Confluence page, then use the macro to display the content. When viewing the page, people will see the content of the document, without needing to have Office installed.
For details, see the View File Macro.
Code examples
The following examples are provided for advanced users who want to inspect or edit the underlying markup for a Confluence page.
Macro name: viewdoc
Macro body: None.
Parameter name | Required | Default | Parameter description and accepted values |
name | Yes | (None.) | The file name of the Word document to be displayed. The document must be attached to a page on your Confluence site. |
page | No | The page containing the macro | The name of a Confluence page to which the Word document is attached. |
Storage format example
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="viewdoc">
<ac:parameter ac:name="name">
<ri:attachment ri:filename="Chocolate.doc"/>
Wiki markup example
{viewdoc:page=Docs|name=My document.doc}