Migrating Confluence Between Servers

This page describes how to move Confluence between physical servers. It doesn't cover database migrationapplication server migration, or upgrading. We suggest you do each of these steps separately.

On this page:

Transferring Confluence To Another Server Using The Same Operating System

If the operating systems on both servers are the same, then you can copy the home and install folders straight into an identical external database and user management setup.

  1. Run the Confluence installer on your new server
  2. Shut down Confluence on both your old and new servers
  3. If you're using Oracle or MySQL, copy the drivers from your old server to the new one
  4. Delete the contents of the home directory on your new Confluence server, then copy in the contents of the home directory from your old Confluence server

    If you're changing the location of the home directory, open the Confluence_install_directory/confluence/WEB-INF/classes directory and edit confluence-init.properties by changing the line starting with 'confluence.home='.

    If you’re moving your database, update confluence.cfg.xml in the Confluence home directory.

  5. Copy the server.xml file (Confluence_install_directory/conf/) from your old server to your new server

  6. If you use a data source, follow the instructions for your database type and ensure the data source points to the new database: PostgreSQLMySQLSQL Server or Oracle.
  7. Start Confluence, then head to General configuration > License Details to add your license key

We strongly recommend you perform a rebuild of your content indices after performing a migration, to ensure Confluence search works as expected.

Transferring Confluence To Another Server Using a Different Operating System

Migrating from Windows to Linux

You'll need to replace the backslashes with forward slashes in the following lines in confluence.cfg.xml:

    <property name="attachments.dir">${confluenceHome}/attachments</property>
    <property name="lucene.index.dir">${localHome}/index</property>
    <property name="webwork.multipart.saveDir">${localHome}/temp</property>
Last modified on Jun 6, 2016

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