Setting up the new experience
Before you begin
Starting with Portfolio for Jira Server 2.20, the new planning experience is already enabled as an early access feature in your Jira instance. With the early access feature already enabled in Jira, you'll only need to enable the new experience in each plan, to start using the new functionality. Note that a plan will not get the new interface until the new experience is enabled in the plan itself. This applies to both existing plans and newly created plans.
If you prefer to use the previous layout, you can disable the new experience in a plan. You can also choose to disable the new experience as an early access feature from your Jira instance, if you prefer not to use the new experience in any of your plans.
Before using the new experience, here are some details to note:
Target dates being used by default
We're simplifying the experience of scheduling issues by using only one type of date by default — target dates. You can still use other custom date fields that you may have configured before enabling the new experience. However, you'll first need to add these custom fields to your plan.
Migrating calculated dates to the new experience
When enabling the new experience for the first time, you may not see any issues scheduled in the timeline section immediately. This can be due to several factors:
#1 The issues may have been calculated using the scheduling algorithm in Portfolio for Jira.
If this is the case, the issues will still have scheduled dates, but no target dates. Since the new experience uses target dates by default, the issues will appear to not have dates in the timeline section.
However, you can choose to copy over the scheduled dates into the new experience. To do this, you'll need to:
- Disable the new experience for the plan. From the plan configuration page, click New experience > Disable new experience.
- In the scope section of the previous plan layout, select the checkbox at the upper left, to select all issues in the plan.
- From the 'Set targets' menu, select Set target dates from calculated.
- Enable the new experience for the plan. From the plan configuration page, click New experience > Enable new experience.
#2 The issues may not have been calculated or scheduled, before the new experience was enabled.
If this is the case, see Scheduling work to start scheduling the issues in your plan.
#3 The issues may be scheduled, but are just hidden in the 'Issues without parent' section.
If this is so, you'll need to expand this section to see the scheduled issues.
Other things to note
- You must use the latest version of Portfolio for Jira, which is currently version 2.27.
- We highly recommend you use Chrome or Firefox as your browser. You can also use Internet Explorer 11 and Safari — we've fixed some issues specific to these browsers in the latest version.
Current limitations
While we've released heaps of features and improvements, we understand that you may need some features that are not available yet. If this is the case, you may need to opt out of the new experience while we're building more functionality. See Future releases and limitations for the current limitations.
We'll announce new features and improvements as we roll them out in future releases. Check out our release notes for updates.
Enabling the new experience in a plan
As a Portfolio for Jira user, you'll need to enable the new experience in your individual plans. Even if this is already enabled in your Jira instance, your plan will not get the new interface until this is enabled in the plan itself.
To enable the new experience in each plan:
- Go to your plan via Portfolio (in header) > View Portfolio > click your plan.
- Click more ( ) > Try the new planning experience. The plan configuration page will display.
- Click New experience.
- Click Enable new experience to switch on the new interface for your plan.
- To stop using the new experience in a plan, from the plan configuration page, click New experience > Disable new experience.
- When the new experience is enabled in a plan, the following will take place by default:
- The target start date, target end date, and status columns will be displayed in the fields section.
- The issues are displayed to fit the width of the timeline, based on the earliest start date and latest end date of the issues in the plan.
This applies to newly created plans and existing plans where the new experience has been enabled. You can change these details and settings any time moving forward. See Displaying issue details for more information.