Synchronization settings

This page refers to Portfolio classic plans. If you are currently running Portfolio 2.0, please check this link to access the latest page version.

If you import existing issues into your plan, you establish issue links between those items in your plan and your Jira issues. Portfolio for Jira allows you to keep these items in sync. For information on performing updates to your plan or projects, see 

This page refers to Portfolio classic plans. If you are currently running Portfolio 2.0, please check this link to access the latest page version.

The update plan from date capability allows you to easily re-sync your high-level roadmap with what has been accomplished on your issues in your Jira application

Updating a plan from date

When you log work on an issue, the remaining estimate is updated in the Jira application but not in Portfolio for Jira. The Update from date feature allows you to update the remaining estimate in Portfolio for Jira backlog.

Follow these steps to update a plan from date: 

  1. Before updating from date make sure that the option Update estimates is enabled by going to Plan > Configure > Synchronization and selecting On.
  2. Go back to  Plan > Update from date.
  3. Select a date from which you want to update with the remaining efforts and click Initialize.
  4. Select Confirm update.
  5. If you need input from multiple people to complete a plan update, you can edit the plan update, but instead of confirming, select Close (keep pending).  The pending plan update will be visible for any user accessing that plan, so that others can also make their suggested changes until the update is confirmed. 
    The suggestions on remaining estimates and completed items are initialized when opening the plan update. If time is logged after that, it is not considered in the suggestion, since this could potentially overwrite manual changes you have made. If you want to re-initialize the suggestions, discard the plan update and initialize it again from the same date.
    • If you want subtasks' estimates to be taken into account, run Update from date after the import has been completed.
    • If you import an issue that has subtasks, the estimate will match the parent issue's estimate.
    • If the plan that you are importing to is set to story points, Portfolio for Jira will not suggest an estimated time. Subtasks' estimates will not be taken into account if the progress method is set to story points or resolved issue count either.
    • If you are working with iterations, it is recommended that you use the planned start date of the upcoming sprint as the update date.

Once the plan is updated, the estimates are updated according to the changes made in update dialog. The values in the Estimate column are always viewed as remaining estimates; those efforts are considered open, and are scheduled starting from either the start date of the first release or the plan update date.

The plan schedule is set to start from the plan update date. Progress tracking and time spent is based on all work logs since the last update. The team time spent really indicates how much has been completed based on the remaining estimates. 

The way plan updates work is based on the idea of looking forward, not backwards. With the plan update, you tick off what happened before (store if for reference, just in case), and re-focus on what still needs to be accomplished from that point forward.

Jira application
Original EstimateAmount of time originally anticipated to resolve the issue estimation. The estimation is typically performed against Primary Backlog Items and is used to work out how long portions of the backlog might take to be delivered.When work is first logged against the issue, the time spent is subtracted from the original estimate and the resulting value is automatically presented in the remaining estimate.
Remaining EstimateRemaining amount of time currently anticipated to resolve the issue.

When subsequent work is logged, any time spent is subtracted away from the remaining estimate.

Portfolio for Jira
  • The Estimate column in the backlog refers to the original and remaining estimate of an issue.
  • If your plan is set to story points, Portfolio for Jira map the estimate in story points.

When work is logged on an issue, the remaining estimate is updated in Jira but not in Portfolio for Jira. In order to update the estimate in Portfolio for Jira you have to run an update from date.

Originally Planned
  • Shows the originally planned Estimate once you've manually updated the time and your Estimate column has been updated.
  • When you're working with story points, you can't see the originally planned estimate in your Jira application.
It keeps your original estimates as reference after you run an update so you can always compare.

Automatic suggestions for completion and remaining estimates

After initializing the plan update, you'll see a dialog with all open items in the backlog, and if applicable, suggestions for both the completion status items and the expected remaining estimates.

Changes are highlighted in the table, the darker value indicates that a cell has been directly changed, light blue means there are changes in one of the related child columns/rows, which also impact this cell (for example, a single estimate on a stage has changed, which then also changes the total estimate as a result).  

Showing completed items and original estimates

With the plan update the estimates have been reduced to what is still remaining. However, your original estimates are not lost. With the first plan update, they are kept for reference, so that you can compare the original plan later against what is still remaining. 

Use the Status Filter to show open issues or open and completed issues. 


What information is synchronized? 

The following items can be synchronized: 

  • Item Title (Issue Summary) 
  • Description (Issue Description) 
  • Estimates 

Change synchronization settings

  1. Select  Plan > Configure to access 'Synchronization'.
  2. Select which items in the hierarchy to apply settings to (Stories, Epics, Initiatives).
  3. Select the fields to synchronize.

About synchronization settings

Initiatives, epics and stories refer to the items in the plan, not the issue types of the linked issue. For example, you can link a top-level element on the backlog (an epic) to an issue of type 'New Feature'.

Summary and description overview

When summary and description are selected for synchronization and updated, keep the following in mind: 

  • If an epic is linked to multiple Jira projects and is renamed in one of the projects, this change is reflected in the plan. However, it does not impact the linked issues in other projects. The last edit of a Jira issue will always overwrite the item in the plan.
  • If you have separate issues per stage onstorylevel, synchronization is only possible one-way, from the plan to the issues, but not back.

Here's an example of a linked issue, which is kept in sync: 

Adding the issue description is reflected in the plan, and vice versa. 


Estimation overview

Estimation synchronization results depend on the how your plan is setup and in what direction you are synchronizing your data (from plan to project(s), or from project(s) to your plan).  Synchronization results will vary depending on the configuration of your plan and how issues are linked between the Portfolio plan and the Jira issues. 

The tables below show the different results with different configurations in both Story Point and Days/ Hours estimation.

When multi-linking is on, epics and initiatives in your plan can link to different issues in a single Jira projects. When multi-linking is turned off, each epic or initiative has a single link to an issue, but those issues can be in different Jira projects.  See the tables below for information on how syncing works in different scenarios. 

Plan update

You can also choose to not update estimates in Jira. This is useful when you are using story point estimation since there is no original estimate field and any estimates will be overwritten and may impact report generation in Jira.  When "Update Estimates" is off, original estimates are left in Jira when doing a plan update.  

Story point estimation

When you have..and change ..the result is..

Stories, without any stages

The story point estimate in the Portfolio plan

The story points estimate on the Jira issue is updated to the new estimate.

The estimate on any linked parent epic or initiative is not changed as epics implicitly show the sum of its child stories. This is because if Portfolio for Jira set the sum of the estimates as the epic estimate as well, then this estimate would count towards the overall progress twice.

The estimate on the Jira issueThe story estimate is updated in the Portfolio for Jira plan, and aggregated total estimates of parent epics and initiatives are updated to the new sum of estimates.

Stories, with multiple stages of work and 1 issue link per story

The total estimate of the story in Portfolio for Jira

The story points estimate for the Jira issue is updated to the new estimate.

The estimate of a single stage in Portfolio for Jira

The story points estimate for the Jira issue is updated to the new total estimate.

The estimate for theJira application issue

The total estimate of the story is set to the new value.

(warning) Any stage or skill-level breakdowns will be overwritten and the default percentage breakdown of stages and skills will apply.

Stories, with multiple stages and separate issue links per stage

The total estimate of the story in Portfolio for Jira

The estimate of each Jira issue linked to any of the stages is updated.

The estimate for a single stage or skill in Portfolio for JiraThe estimate of the Jira issue linked to the concerned stage is updated.
The estimate for the Jira issueThe stage-level estimate in the Portfolio for Jira plan is updated, which also updates the total estimate of the story and parent items.
Epics without child stories

The estimate in Portfolio for Jira

The estimate of linked Jira issue is updated.

The estimate for the Jira issueThe epic's estimate is updated in the Portfolio for Jira plan.
Add child stories to the epic in Portfolio for JiraThe estimate is removed from the Jira epic. Going forward the epic estimate will be the total of its child stories.

Day/hours estimation

The synchronization mechanics regarding parent/child items and stage-level issue links are the same as described above for story point estimates. However, there are differences in terms of which fields are considered for the sync. Generally, the following rules apply: 

  • Changing the original estimate on a Jira issue triggers an update of the estimate in the Portfolio for Jira.
  • Changing the remaining estimate of a Jira issue does not trigger any sync action. This is part of normal work/logging, so Portfolio assumes these updates are picked up explicitly as part of doing a plan update from date, in order to keep the plan consistent and adapting the start date of the plan as part of adjusting remaining estimates. 
  • Changing the estimate in the Portfolio for Jira updates both the original and the remaining effort on the linked Jira issue. 
Last modified on Apr 4, 2019

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