Upgrading Confluence

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In this guide we'll run you through using the installer to upgrade your Confluence site to the latest Confluence version on Windows or Linux. 

Upgrading to any later version is free if you have current software maintenance. See our Licensing FAQ to find out more. 

Other ways to upgrade Confluence:

XML backups should not be used to upgrade Confluence.

Before you begin

Before you upgrade Confluence, there's a few questions you need to answer. 

Which upgrade method is the best option?

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Are you eligible to upgrade?

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Have our supported platforms changed?

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Check the Supported Platforms page for the version of Confluence you are upgrading to. This will give you info on supported operating systems, databases and browsers.

Good to know:

  • The Confluence installer includes Java (JRE) and Tomcat, so you won't need to upgrade these separately.
  • If you need to upgrade your database, be sure to read the upgrade notes for the Confluence version you plan to upgrade to (and any in-between) to check for any database configuration changes that you may need to make.
Do you need to make changes to your environment?
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Plan your upgrade

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1. Determine your upgrade path

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Enterprise releases

A Long Term Support (LTS) release is a feature release that gets backported critical security updates and critical bug fixes during its entire two-year support window. If you can only upgrade once a year, consider upgrading to an LTS release. Explore LTS releases

2. Complete the pre-upgrade checks

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3. Upgrade Confluence in a test environment

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Upgrade Confluence

4. Back up 

  1. Back up your database and confirm the backup was created properly. 
    If your database does not support online backups you'll need to stop Confluence first.  

    Once you've confirmed your database backup was successful, you can choose to disable the automatic generation of an upgrade recovery file, as this process can take a long time for sites that are medium sized or larger.

  2. Back up your installation directory
    The installer will completley replace this directory, so any files you've added (such as a keystore or SSL certificate) won't be retained. The installation wizard will back up this directory before starting the upgrade, but you should also back it up manually first. 
  3. Back up your home directory
    The installation wizard gives you the option to also back up your home directory as part of the installation process, but you should also back up this directory manually before starting the upgrade. 

    Where is my home directory?

    You can find the location of your home directory in the <installation-directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/confluence-init.properties file.

    This is where your search indexes and attachments are stored. If you store attachments outside the Confluence Home directory, you should also backup your attachments directory. 

5. Download Confluence

Download the installer for your operating system. 

6. Run the installer

  1. Run the installer. 

    Show me how to do this in Windows...

    Run the .exe file. We recommend using a Windows administrator account.

    If prompted to allow the upgrade wizard to make changes to your computer, choose 'Yes'. If you do not, the installation wizard will have restricted access to your operating system and any subsequent installation options will be limited.

    Show me how to do this in Linux...

    Change to the directory where you downloaded Confluence then execute this command to make the installer executable:

    $ chmod a+x atlassian-confluence-X.X.X-x64.bin

    Where X.X.X is is the Confluence version you downloaded.

    Next, run the installer – we recommend using sudo to run the installer:

    $ sudo ./atlassian-confluence-X.X.X-x64.bin

    You can also choose to run the installer with root user privileges.


  2. Follow the prompts to upgrade Confluence:
    1. When prompted choose Upgrade an existing Confluence installation (for Linux users this is option 3).
    2. Make sure the Existing Confluence installation directory suggested by the wizard is correct (especially important if you have multiple Confluence installations on the same machine).
    3. Back up Confluence home is strongly recommended. This will create a .zip backup of the Confluence home and installation directories.
    4. The installation wizard notifies you of customizations in the Confluence Installation directory. Make a note of these as you'll need to reapply them later.

      There are some limitations...

      The installation wizard's ability to notify you about customizations will depend on how your existing Confluence instance was installed: 

      • If your current Confluence instance was installed using the installer, the wizard will check the entire Confluence Installation directory.
      • If your current Confluence instance was installed manually it will only check the confluence subdirectory of the Confluence Installation directory. The installation wizard will not notify you of modifications in any other directory, for example modifications to start-up scripts under the bin directory or modifications to the server.xml file (such as an SSL configuration). 

      You won't be notified about files you've added to the installation directory, so be sure to back them up first.

  3. The wizard will shut down your Confluence instance and proceed with the upgrade. Once complete, it will restart Confluence and you can then launch Confluence in your browser to confirm the upgrade was successful.
    Depending on the size of your instance and the number of upgrade tasks to be run, this step may take a few minutes or several hours.

After the upgrade

7. Copy your database driver

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8. Reinstall the service if required (Windows only)

If you run Confluence as a service on Windows you should delete the existing service then re-install the service by running <install-directory>/bin/service.bat.

This makes sure the service gets the most recent JVM options. 

9. Re-apply any modifications

During the upgrade the wizard migrated the following from your existing Confluence installation:

  • TCP port values in your <install-directory>/conf/server.xml file. 
  • Location of your Confluence home directory in <install-directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/confluence-init.properties.

All other customizations, including CATALINA_OPTS  parameters in your  <install-directory>/bin/setenv.sh / setenv.bat  files, need to be reapplied manually.  

Show me how to do this...

Any other configurations, customizations (including any other modifications in the  <install-directory>/conf/server.xml file), the path to your own Java installation in <install-directory>/bin/setjre.sh, or setjre.bat, or additional files added to the installation directory are  not migrated during the upgrade and need to be reapplied manually.

  1. Stop your upgraded Confluence instance.
  2. Edit each file, and reapply the customizations in your upgraded Confluence Installation directory.
  3. Copy over any additional files (such as keystore or SSL certificate)
  4. Restart the upgraded Confluence instance.

We strongly recommend you test your customizations in a test instance prior to upgrading your production instance as changes may have been made to Confluence that make your customizations unusable.

Edit the new file manually, rather than copying over the old file, as the default configuration in these files may have changed between Confluence versions.

System properties can change from time to time. Be sure to check you're using the correct Recognized System Properties.

10. Update your apps (add-ons)

You can update any apps that are compatible with the new version of Confluence.

  1. Go to 

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  2. Update your apps to the supported versions.

At this stage, it can be useful to clear your plugin cache. Learn how to do this

This is optional, but can be useful to avoid any issues with third-party apps and plugins.

11. Update your reverse proxy and check you can access Confluence

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Did something go wrong?

If you need to retry the upgrade, you must restore your pre-upgrade backups first.  Do not attempt to run an upgrade again, or start the older version of Confluence again after an upgrade has failed. 

Some common issues while upgrading...
  • Can't proceed with upgrade because license has expired
    If your license has expired and was not renewed and reapplied before upgrading you will receive errors during the upgrade process. See upgrading beyond current license period for information on how to resolve this problem.
  • Can't proceed with upgrade because of a conflict with anti virus
    Some anti-virus or other Internet security tools may interfere with the Confluence upgrade process and prevent the process from completing successfully, particularly if you run Confluence as a Windows service. If you experience or anticipate experiencing such an issue with your anti-virus / Internet security tool, disable this tool first before proceeding with the Confluence upgrade.
  • Database does not support online backups
    The upgrade wizard will prompt you to backup your database using your database's backup utilities. If your database does not support online backups, stop the upgrade process, shut down Confluence, perform your database backup and then run the installer again to continue with the upgrade.
  • Upgrade is taking a very long time
    If you have a very large database (i.e. database backups take a very long time to complete), setting the confluence.upgrade.recovery.file.enabled system property to false will speed up the upgrade process. It should be used only when there is a process to back up database and verify the backup before performing an upgrade.
  • Confluence doesn't start
    Incompatible Marketplace apps can occasionally prevent Confluence from starting successfully. You can troubleshoot the problem by starting Confluence with all user installed apps temporarily disabled. See Start and Stop Confluence for more info.
  • Collaborative editing errors
    If Synchrony is not running or you see an error, head to Troubleshooting Collaborative Editing for info on how to get collaborative editing up and running in your environment. The most common problems are a misconfigured reverse proxy or port 8091 not being available for Synchrony.   
  • Space directory is empty after the upgrade
    If you are upgrading from Confluence 6.3 or earlier, there's a known issue where spaces do not appear in the space directory. You'll need to reindex your site after upgrading to fix this.

You can also refer to the Upgrade Troubleshooting guide in the Confluence Knowledge Base, or check for answers from the community at Atlassian Answers.

Last modified on Jan 11, 2022

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