Chat 1-to-1

Chat happens in two places in Hipchat, in rooms and 1-to-1. In 1-to-1 chats you can send messages and video chat with a teammate.

In the desktop and web apps
  1. Go to New chat and start typing your teammate's name.
  2. Click the person's name to start a chat.

To see a list of all the people (and rooms) in your group, click your group's name and avatar in the upper left. (In this example screenshot , you'd click Teams in Space.)

In the Android app
  1. Tap > Join chat.
  2. Start typing your teammate's name.
  3. Tap the person's name to start a chat.
In the iOS mobile app
  1. Start typing your teammate's name in the search field at the top of the app. (If you don't see the search field, tap  or swipe right.)
  2. Tap the person's name to start a chat.
Last modified on Jan 21, 2018

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