Issues resolved in 8.20.18
The Atlassian Jira team is pleased to announce the release of Jira Core 8.20.18.
Don't have Jira Core 8.20.x yet?
Check out the new features and other highlights in the Jira Core 8.20.x release notes.
Released on 13 February 2023. Removed on 23 February 2023.
We're revoking Jira Core 8.20.18 release due to a regression issue we detected on our test environment: JRASERVER-74885 - Getting issue details... STATUS
We'll fix the issue in the upcoming bugfix releases.
The security fixes implemented in version 8.20.18 aren't available either.
If you've already upgraded to this version, you can continue using it. But we recommend that you upgrade to the next bugfix version as soon as we release it.