Add a custom field to a screen

You can control which screens the custom field will appear on when an issue is created, edited or transitioned through workflow. Follow these steps to change which screens your custom field is associated with: 

  1. Select > Issues.
  2. Under FIELDS, click Custom fields.
  3. Find the custom field and click  > Associate to Screens. Alternatively, you can click a field's contexts link and then click Screens > Associate this field to screens.
  4. Check the screens on which you want to display this custom field.
  5. To add more screens or remove screens, click a field's screens link and then click Screens > Add or remove associated screens.

The new issue view uses the View issue screen scheme to determine which fields to show. To add or remove a custom field, head to your project, Choose Settings > Screens, then select the View issue screen scheme and remove the field.

Last modified on Nov 17, 2021

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