Unable to start Stash, with message function: not found

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The following appears in the command line:

#sh start-stash.sh

start-stash.sh: 3: start-stash.sh: function: not found
start-stash.sh: 4: [: unexpected operator
start-stash.sh: 7: start-stash.sh: Syntax error: "}" unexpected


When you type sh start-stash.sh ou are probably using dash or some other shell script that does not recognise the command function.

This could be checked by issuing:

$ which sh

$ ls -ltra <path/to/sh/returned/above> 


  • Use the script without sh as recommended on step #6 of this document or call bash start-stash.sh instead, you should get it working as it will use bash in your environment.
Last modified on Nov 2, 2018

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