A side-by-side comparison of the Classic and the ADG HTML report

This page shows a side-by-side comparison of Clover's HTML report generated with a "classic" and "adg" style setting.

This page may be helpful for you to quickly learn how to navigate through a new ADG report and how to find information you were used to see in the old "Classic" one.

Project overview

Most of links from the top-left pane have been moved to tabs. Two tabs ("Top risks" and "Quick wins") which were accessible through a cloud icon (5, 6) in the old report are now accessible directly.

Package view

The bottom-left frame with "Classes", "Tests" and "Results" tabs has been removed - instead of this, "Application code", "Test code" and "Test results" tabs are available in the main view (2, 6). A flat list of packages has been replaced by a package tree (1). A "Clouds" link and icon became "Top risks" and "Quick wins" tabs (4).

Source file view

The "Overview Package File" links are replaced by the breadcrumbs (1). List of methods of a certain class as well as list of tests hitting the source file are shown in dialogs, which you can open by clicking "Show methods" and "Select tests ... " links (5,6).


Test results view

Navigation between a test class (source code) and test results (e.g. from unit tests) has been improved - you can simply switch tabs (1, 2). Test results for an entire project are available on the "Project overview" page, under the "Test results" tab (3).

Last modified on Aug 11, 2014

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