Clover-for-Ant Upgrade Guide

General instructions

We've taken care to make upgrading Clover straightforward. Follow these simple steps to upgrade Clover-for-Ant:

1. Replace your existing clover.jar with the new clover.jar
You can do this by simply replacing the the old .jar file with the new .jar file.


2. Obtain and install a Clover license (optional)
Installing new license is necessary when you're installing a Clover version released after end of support date of your current license.


3. Delete any existing Coverage database (optional)

Clover's database format may change in newer versions. In such case you'll get a build error with a message informing about database incompatibility. In such case you have to delete old database files. The Clover database is created at the location specified in the initstring attribute of <clover-setup>.

(lightbulb) It's quite common to have Clover-for-Ant configured in such way that database files are removed on every 'ant clean' call; thanks to this incompatible databases can be removed automatically.

Upgrading from specific releases

Please see the Clover Release Notes and the Clover-for-Ant Changelog for version-specific upgrade instructions.

Last modified on Aug 8, 2014

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