How to change the Original Step in Workflow Transition
When you have already set up the workflow transition for the particular step correctly and realise you have set it up on a wrong Step by mistake. You can change the Destination Step for the workflow transition but you are not able to change the Original Step through JIRA User Interface.
There are two workaround to this:
1. Change the name of the Oringinal Step Name which linked to the particular Workflow transition
2. Do a simple hack in Workflow XML by doing the following
- View desired workflow
- Download workflow XML
- Open it using text editor preferably Notepad++
- Edit the transition from one step to another, for example:
<action id="701" name="Close Issue" view="commentassign">
<meta name="opsbar-sequence">60</meta>
<meta name="jira.i18n.submit">closeissue.close</meta>
<meta name="jira.i18n.description">closeissue.desc</meta>
<meta name="jira.i18n.title">closeissue.title</meta>
<meta name="jira.description">Closing an issue indicates there is no more work to be done on it, and it has been verified as complete.</meta>
<condition type="class">
<arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.condition.PermissionCondition</arg>
<arg name="permission">Close Issue</arg>
<unconditional-result old-status="Finished" status="Closed" step="6">
<function type="class">
<arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.UpdateIssueStatusFunction</arg>
<function type="class">
<arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.misc.CreateCommentFunction</arg>
<function type="class">
<arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.GenerateChangeHistoryFunction</arg>
<function type="class">
<arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.IssueReindexFunction</arg>
<function type="class">
<arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.event.FireIssueEventFunction</arg>
<arg name="eventTypeId">5</arg>
You will need to cut the code from <action id=> to </action>, and paste it to your desire Steps (<step id=>) inside the <actions></actions>
- Save the file and do Import from XML in Issues > Workflows