Using Quick Search

Sometimes you just want to be able to get to the particular issue that you are interested in. Other times you can't remember what the issue was, but you remember that it was an open issue, assigned to you. Quick search can help you.

Jump to an issue

The Quick Search box is located at the top right of your screen. If you type in the key of an issue, you will jump straight to that issue. For example, if you type in 'ABC-107' (or 'abc-107'), and press the Enter you will be redirected to the JIRA issue 'ABC-107'.

In many cases, you do not even need to type in the full key, but just the numerical part. If you are currently working on the 'ABC' project, and you type in '123', you will be redirected to 'ABC-123'.

Smart querying

Quick search also enables you to perform 'smart' searches with minimal typing. For example, to find all the open bugs in the 'TEST' project, you could simply type 'test open bugs' and quick search would locate them all for you.

Your search results will be displayed in the Issue Navigator, where you can view them in a variety of useful formats (Excel, XML, etc).

The search terms that quick search recognises are:

Search Term




Find issues assigned to me.

my open bugs


Find issues reported by you, another user or with no reporter, using the prefix r: followed by a specific reporter term such as me, a username or none.

Note that there can be no spaces between "r:" and the specific reporter term.

r:me — finds issues reported by you.
r:samuel — finds issues reported by the user whose username is "samuel".
r:none — finds issues with no reporter.

<project name>
<project key>

Find issues in a particular project,

test project


Find issues that were due before today.



Find issues with a particular Created, Updated, or Due Date using the prefixes created:, updated:, or due:, respectively. For the date range, you can use today, tomorrow, yesterday, a single date range (e.g. '-1w'), or two date ranges (e.g. '-1w,1w'). Note that date ranges cannot have spaces in them. Valid date/time abbreviations are: 'w' (week), 'd' (day), 'h' (hour), 'm' (minute).

updated:-1w — finds issues updated in the last week.
due:1w — finds issues due in the next week.
due:-1d,1w — finds issues due from yesterday to next week.
created:-1w,-30m — finds issues created from one week ago, to 30 minutes ago.
created:-1d updated:-4h — finds issues created in the last day, updated in the last 4 hours.


Find issues with a particular Priority.


<issue type>

Find issues with a particular Issue Type. Note that you can also use plurals.


<resolution>Find issues with a particular Resolution.

cannot reproduce


Find issues with a particular Component(s). You can search across multiple components.

Note that there can be no spaces between "c:" and the component name.

c:security — finds issues with a component whose name contains the word "security".


Find issues with a particular Affects Version(s). To find all issues belonging to a 'major' version, use the wildcard symbol '*'.

Note that there can be no spaces between "v:" and the version name.

v:3.0 — finds issues that match the following versions (for example):

  • 3.0
  • 3.0 eap
  • 3.0 beta

    ...but will not match against the following versions (for example):
  • 3.0.1

    That is, it will match against any version that contains the string you specify followed immediately by a space, but not against versions that do not contain a space immediately after the string you specify.


Find issues with a particular Fix For Version(s). Same usage as v: (above).



Wildcard symbol '*'. Can be used with v: and ff:.

v:3.2* — finds any issue whose version number is (for example):

  • 3.2
  • 3.2-beta
  • 3.2.1
  • 3.2.x

In Mozilla-based browsers, try creating a bookmark with URL http://<your-JIRA-site>/secure/QuickSearch.jspa?searchString=%s (substituting <your-JIRA-site> with your JIRA site's URL) and keyword (such as 'j'). Now, typing 'j my open bugs' in the browser URL bar will search your JIRA site for your open bugs. Or simply type your search term in the Quick Search box, then right-click on the Quick Search box (with your search term shown) and select "Add a Keyword for this search...".

Free-text searching

You can search for any word within the issue(s) you are looking for, provided the word is in one of the following fields:

  • Summary
  • Description
  • Comments

Note that you can combine free-text and keywords together. For example, 'my closed tst tasks', 'open test bugs pear', 'closed test bugs ' are all valid search queries.

Searching JIRA issues from your browser's search box

If you are using Firefox or Internet Explorer 8, you can add your JIRA site as a search engine/provider via the dropdown menu next to the browser's search box. Once you add your JIRA site as a search engine/provider in your browser, you can use it at any time to conduct a Quick Search for issues in that JIRA site.



JIRA supports this browser search feature as part of the autodiscovery part of the OpenSearch standard, by supplying an OpenSearch description document. This is an XML file that describes the web interface provided by JIRA's search function. Any client applications that support OpenSearch will be able to add JIRA to their list of search engines.

Last modified on Apr 3, 2013

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