Importing Data from Redmine
The JIRA Redmine Importer plugin allows you to import data from the Redmine Issue Tracker product into your local JIRA site.
Version 5.0.2 or later of the JIRA Importers Plugin is compatible with Redmine versions 1.3.0+ and 2.0+.
Before you begin
Import your Redmine data
The JIRA Redmine Importer plugin provides a wizard that walks you through the process of importing data and integrating it with JIRA. To access the import wizard:
- Log into JIRA as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
- Choose > System. Select Import & Export > External System Import to open the Import external projects page.
Keyboard shortcut: g + g + start typing redmine
- Select the Import button associated with the Redmine option.
- Complete the fields as prompted in the wizard.
If you are importing your Redmine issues into an existing JIRA project, you must choose the JIRA workflow scheme used by that existing JIRA project when you are prompted to select the workflow scheme. Otherwise, your import may not complete successfully.
Please note that it is mandatory to map Redmine status field to a specific JIRA status field and Redmine tracker field to a JIRA issue type field since these JIRA fields are an integral part of JIRA workflows.
Tips for importing Redmine On Demand data into JIRA fields
The import process converts Redmine data as follows:
In Redmine | In JIRA | Import Notes |
Project | Project | Redmine data is imported on a per-project basis. You can either specify an existing JIRA project as the target, or the importer will automatically create a project(s) for you at time of import. (For more information about JIRA projects, please see Defining a project.) |
Target Version
| Affects Version | Redmine target version is mapped to JIRA "affects version". |
Priority | Priority | You can configure mapping of specific Redmine values to specific JIRA values. |
Summary | Subject | Redmine subject is imported as the JIRA issue summary. |
Worklog | Worklog | See Configuring Time Tracking. |
Author | Reporter | Redmine issue author is mapped as JIRA Issue Reporter. |
Attachments | Attachments | Attachments are extracted from Redmine and saved. Information on the date the file was attached and the user who attached it is retained, as well. To specify the location where the attachments are stored, see Configuring File Attachments. |
Tracker | Issue Type | You can configure the mapping of specific trackers to specific JIRA issue types. |
Priority | Priority | You can configure the mapping of specific Redmine values to specific JIRA values. |
Status | Status | You can configure the mapping of specific Redmine values to specific JIRA values, provided you create your workflows in JIRA before running the importer.
Category | Component/s | This mapping is hard-coded and cannot be changed. |
User | User | You can choose to have the importer automatically create JIRA users for any Redmine users who do not already exist in JIRA.
Other fields | Custom fields | If your Redmine system contains any custom fields, you can choose to map them to specific JIRA custom field(s). If your custom fields don't yet exist in JIRA, the importer can automatically create them for you. |