Creating a Notification Scheme

JIRA can generate email notifications for various events that happen throughout the lifecycle of an issue, including custom events. Notifications are defined within a notification scheme (see below), which associates particular events with particular email recipients. The notification scheme is then assigned to a particular project.

(info) You can use the same notification scheme for more than one project.

JIRA is pre-packaged with a notification scheme called Default Notification Scheme. This scheme is associated with all new projects by default. This means that if you have an outgoing (SMTP) mail server set up, that email notifications will be sent as soon as there is any activity (e.g. issues created) in the new project. However, you can disassociate this notification scheme from the project via the Project Summary page, as described below. You can also modify this scheme or if you prefer, create other notifications schemes for particular projects.

Creating a notification scheme

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose > Issues. Select Notification Schemes to open the Notification Schemes page, which lists all the current notification schemes in your JIRA installation.
    (tick) Keyboard shortcut: g + g + start typing notification schemes
  3. Start creating the new notification scheme, by doing either of the following:
    • Click the Copy link to copy an existing notification scheme. If you have a notification scheme whose event recipients are reasonably similar to what you require, creating a copy is the quickest way to add a new scheme.
    • Click the Add Notification Scheme button. On the Add Notification Scheme page, enter a name for the notification scheme and a short description of the scheme
  4. If you added a new notification scheme or you copied an existing one but have clicked the Edit  link to modify the automatically generated name and/or description of the copied notification scheme:
    1. Enter a name (or modify the existing one) for the notification scheme (e.g. 'Angry Nerds Notification scheme').
    2. (Optional) Enter a description (or modify the existing one) for the notification scheme.
    3. Click the Add button to create the notification scheme.
  5. Add notifications/recipients as described below.
  6. Associate your new notification scheme with a project as described below.

Adding an event recipient to a notification scheme

To add a new recipient for a particular event to a notification scheme, you need to:

  1. Identify the notification scheme used by the relevant project.
  2. Add that recipient to the appropriate event in this notification scheme.

To add a new recipient for a particular event:

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose > Issues. Select Notification Schemes to open the Notification Schemes page, which lists all the current notification schemes in your JIRA installation.
      (tick) Keyboard shortcut: g + g + start typing notification schemes
    Screenshot 1: The 'Notification Schemes' page
  3. Locate the notification scheme of interest and click its linked name to open the Edit Notifications page for that notification scheme.
    The Edit Notifications page lists all of the events (mentioned below), along with the recipients who will receive notifications when each event occurs:
    Screenshot 2: The 'Edit Notifications' page
  4. Click the Add link in the appropriate event row (see the list of events below), which opens the Add Notification page, where you can choose who to notify (about the event) from the list of available recipients (see below).
    Screenshot 3: The 'Add Notification' page
  5. Select the appropriate recipient (filling in any required information for your particular choice of recipient).
  6. Click the Add button. You are taken back to the Edit Notifications page (see above), with the notification you just specified now listed against the appropriate issue event.
  7. If you make a mistake, or you would like to remove who is being notified, simply click the Delete link beside the person/group/role.

Associating a notification scheme with a project

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose  > Projects, and click the name of a project.
    (tick) Keyboard shortcut: g + g + start typing projects
  3. At the lower-right of the Project Summary page, locate the Notifications section, click the name of the current scheme (e.g. Default Notification Scheme) or None (if the project is not yet associated with a scheme) to display details of the project's current notification scheme.
  4. Click the Actions dropdown menu and choose Use a different scheme (or Select a scheme).
    Screenshot 4: The Project Notifications page
  5. On the subsequent Associate Notification Scheme to Project page, which lists all available notification schemes, select the notification scheme you want to associate with the project and click the Associate button.


JIRA supports the following events, which can generate email notifications (as defined in a notification scheme).



Issue Created:

An issue has been entered into the system.

Issue Updated:

An issue has had its details changed. This includes the deletion of an issue comment.

Issue Assigned:

An issue has been assigned to a new user.

Issue Resolved:

An issue has been resolved (usually after being worked on and fixed).

Issue Closed:

An issue has been closed. (Note that an issue may be closed without being resolved; see Workflow).

Issue Commented:

An issue has had a comment added to it.

Issue Comment Edited:

An issue's comment has been modified.

Issue Reopened:

An issue has been re-opened.

Issue Deleted:

An issue has been deleted.

Issue Moved:

An issue has been moved into or out of this project.

Work Logged On Issue:

An issue has had hours logged against it (i.e. a worklog has been added).

Work Started On Issue:

The Assignee has started working on an issue.

Work Stopped On Issue:

The Assignee has stopped working on an issue.

Issue Worklog Updated:

An entry in an issue's worklog has been modified.

Issue Worklog Deleted:

An entry in an issue's worklog has been deleted.

Generic Event:

The exact nature of this event depends on the workflow transition(s) from it was fired.

Custom Event(s):

The exact nature of these events depends on the workflow transition(s) from which they were fired.

(info) JIRA does not have a specific notification event for the deletion of issue comments. When an issue's comment is deleted, JIRA sends out an email notification as an 'Issue Updated' event.


The following types of recipients can receive email notifications.



Current Assignee

The user to whom the issue is currently assigned.


The user who originally created the issue.

Current User

The user who performed the action that has triggered this event.

Project Lead

The user who is managing the project to which the issue belongs.

Component Lead

The user who is managing the component to which the issue belongs.

Single User

A particular user in your JIRA system.


A particular group in your JIRA system.

Project Role

The members of a particular project role for this project.
(info) Note that it is recommended to use project roles (rather than groups) in your notifications as this can help minimise the number of notification schemes in your system.

Single Email Address

Any email address that you wish to alert.
(info) A Single Email Address notification will only be sent if the issue is publicly viewable (as the email address of a non-JIRA user could be specified, in which case a security check is not possible). Publicly viewable issues are issues which have a Permission scheme that gives the 'Browse Projects' permission to 'Anyone' (any non-logged-in users). The text template is used for notifications to a single email address.

All Watchers

All users who are watching the issue.

User Custom Field Value

The value of a custom field of type User Picker or Multi User Picker that may have been associated with issues.
(info) An example of where this can be useful: if you have a custom User field called Tester, you can have the tester notified when an issue is resolved.

Group Custom Field Value

The value of a custom field of type Group Picker or Multi Group Picker that may have been associated with issues..

(info) Please Note:

  • Email notifications will only be sent to people who have permission to view the relevant issue — that is, people who:
  • JIRA can only send email notifications if SMTP email has been enabled (see Email Overview).
  • JIRA's default setting is to not notify users of their own changes. This can be changed on a per user basis via their Profile Preferences.

(warning) Please also note:

JIRA will send notification emails to both the previous assignee and the current assignee, whenever the assignee field changes.

However, earlier versions of JIRA only sent a notification email to the previous assignee if the operation that changed the event was the Assign Issue operation. It did not send a notification if the issue was edited in some other way.
The advanced JIRA option allows this legacy behavior to be re-instated, for those customers who prefer this behavior.

See JRA-6344 for more details.

Last modified on Sep 16, 2013

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