Finding new Marketplace apps
This page describes how administrators can find and install apps (also known as add-ons or plugins) from the Atlassian Marketplace in their Atlassian application.
About the in-product Atlassian Marketplace page
The Find new add-ons or Find new apps page lets you browse the Atlassian Marketplace from the application interface. This in-product view of the Marketplace tailors your browsing experience your application, and only shows you apps compatible with your application.
Administrators and non-administrators alike can browse the Marketplace within the Atlassian application. But while system administrators download and install apps through the Find new add-ons or Find new apps page, non-administrators use the page to request an app. This in-product view of the Marketplace gives everyday users a role and voice in identifying what apps can help them do their work. See Managing user requests for Marketplace apps for information about user requests for apps.
Finding and installing apps from the Marketplace
To find and install an app from the Marketplace::
From the top navigation bar in your application, select Apps, and then Manage apps.
If the link does not appear, make sure that UPM is in online mode and the application is able to connect to the Internet through the network firewall.
The in-product view of the Atlassian Marketplace appears.
- Find apps by:
- Browsing the list.
- Entering a search string in the Search the Marketplace box. The search returns apps based on a case-insensitive comparison of the app name.
- Using the pull-down menus to filter apps by attributes like top-grossing, recently added, or staff-selected. You can also filter by pricing scheme like free, paid-via-Atlassian, or paid.
- To install an app, click the Install button for free apps or the Buy now or Free trial buttons for paid apps.
A confirmation message and details appear when the app is installed successfully. - If prompted, restart your application to have your change take effect.
An individual app may have its own setup and configuration requirements. In these cases, refer to the Documentation link in the app's detail view.