Troubleshooting missing issues
There are a few reasons why issues in your plan might not show as expected. This page explains the most common reasons for missing issues and shows you how to display them.
Issue was completed more than 30 days ago
By default, Advanced Roadmaps doesn’t display issues completed in Jira Software more than 30 days ago. You can adjust this timeframe to suit your planning needs — whether you need to keep your plan focused on specifics, or to track completed work as part of the bigger picture.
To adjust the number of completed issues displayed in your plan:
Go to
> Configure.Select Issue sources.
Under Completed issues, enter the number of days you’d like completed issues to be displayed in your plan.
The more completed issues you include in your plan, the longer it'll take to load.
Resolution field isn’t set in the Jira Software workflow
When you’re overseeing the progress of large, longer-term projects, it can be helpful to track completed issues and keep them displayed in your plan. If completed issues are missing from your plan, check the Resolution field in your Jira Software workflow.
Jira Software uses the Resolution field to define completed issues. When you’re using a default workflow, the Resolution field is automatically set when an issue is transitioned from the “In Progress” to “Done” status. This is due to a post function on the incoming transition to “Done” that’s configured to set the field.
If you’re using a custom workflow, this needs to be manually configured. Jira Software admins can add a post function on the incoming transition for the status being used to signal a “Done” issue. Without this post function, completed issues in a custom workflow won’t be displayed in your plan.
Learn how to configure the Resolution field as a post function in your Jira Software workflow.
Issue isn’t included in the plan’s issue sources
Issues in your plan are determined by the issue sources selected when the plan was first created. Any issue source that’s not included is considered out of scope, and won’t be displayed in the plan. You’ll need to make sure the missing issue is included in an issue source for the plan’s scope.
To add an issue source to your plan:
Go to
> Configure.Select Issue sources > Edit issue sources.
You’ll be taken to the setup wizard. On the “Connect to your teams' work” page, you can add an issue source at the bottom of the list.
Select a board, project, or filter.
Select the issue source you’d like to add to your plan. You can click to select or start typing to narrow the selection.
Select Next > Next to continue through the rest of the wizard.
Select Done.
If using a Board as source, verify if it's filter excludes any of the desired issue types. If those are not available at the source, they will be missing in the plan.
Issue’s release was excluded in the plan’s scope
Similar to issue sources, releases selected during plan creation determine if an issue is part of a plan’s scope. Any excluded releases and the issues assigned to them won’t be displayed in the plan.
To add a release to your plan:
Go to
> Configure.Select Issue sources > Edit issue sources.
Select Next to go to the second page of the setup wizard where you can “Select relevant releases”.
Select the missing issue’s release, then select Next.
Select Done.
Issue was manually excluded from the plan
Depending on how your plan was first set up, specific issues may have been manually excluded. When issues are manually excluded, they won’t be displayed in the plan regardless of their source or release.
To re-include an issue in your plan:
Go to
> Configure.Select Issue sources > Edit issue sources.
Select Next > Next to reach the third page of the setup wizard where you can “Confirm what’s in scope”.
Use the Projects and Sources dropdowns to filter your search of the missing issue. You can also expand and collapse issue hierarchies in the list.
Once you’ve found the missing issue, select its checkbox to include it in the plan.
Select Done.
'Fix version' or 'Affected version' fields are hidden in Jira Software issues
“Releases” in Advanced Roadmaps are known as “Fix versions” in Jira Software. If the Fix version field is hidden in your Jira Software issues, Advanced Roadmaps won’t associate the issue with a release. This could cause missing issues if you’ve used releases to form the scope of your plan.
To display the Fix version field in Jira Software:
In Jira Software, go to > Issues.
Select Field configurations.
Find the relevant field configuration for your plan and select Configure.
Go to the Fix versions section, then select Show.