JIRA 3.10 Upgrade Guide

Upgrading from JIRA 3.9.3 to 3.10

Please follow the JIRA general upgrade instructions, plus note the following:

1. Plugins

There is a new version of the JIRA Calendar Plugin that links to the new 'Project Version' pages. This new version of the plugin is not backwards compatible.

Please note that the Kaamelot plugin for JIRA has not yet been updated. If you are currently using this plugin, you may want to hold off the upgrade to JIRA 3.10 until a compatible version of this plugin has been released.

2. Developer Notes

The ordering of the ListOrderedMap returned by SchemePermissions.getSchemePermissions() has changed. This also means that the order of the RemotePermission[] array returned by the RPC Plugin's JiraSoapService.getAllPermissions() method has changed. If you have extended your instance of JIRA please confirm that any remote applications retrieving permissions via SOAP still work. You may encounter problems if you have been retrieving specific permissions by their array index.

Database changes

In JIRA 3.10, the worklog records have moved from the 'jiraactions' database table to the new 'worklog' table. This new table contains the following columns:

               Table "public.worklog"
    Column    |           Type           | Modifiers
 id           | numeric(18,0)            | not null
 issueid      | numeric(18,0)            |
 author       | character varying(255)   |
 grouplevel   | character varying(255)   |
 rolelevel    | numeric(18,0)            |
 worklogbody  | text                     |
 created      | timestamp with time zone |
 updateauthor | character varying(255)   |
 updated      | timestamp with time zone |
 startdate    | timestamp with time zone |
 timeworked   | numeric(18,0)            |

Upgrading from JIRA 3.9.2 and earlier

In addition to the above, please read the Upgrade Guide for every version you are skipping during the upgrade. The complete list of Upgrade Guides is available here.

Last modified on Jul 1, 2008

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