Browsing a Project's Bamboo Builds
If your organisation uses Atlassian's Bamboo and your administrator has integrated Bamboo with JIRA, JIRA enables you to view the Bamboo build plan status and recent build activity for a project. The Builds tab provides you with the build information related to the project, including:
- the list of the builds which are related to the project, i.e. builds that have issues from the project linked to them (either as 'Fixed' or 'Related'). See the Bamboo documentation for instructions on linking issues to builds.
- The latest status of the build plans for the related builds, i.e. the build plan contains a build that has an issue from the project linked to it.
To view the Bamboo build information related to a project,
- On the top navigation bar, click the white triangle next to Projects. The projects dropdown will display.
Tip: You can access your current project directly by simply clicking the Projects link instead of the triangle.
- Click the project you wish to browse. If the project is not displayed in the dropdown, click View All Projects, which allows you to view a list of all accessible projects on your JIRA site, and select your project from there.
- Click Builds on the left to view the following information:
- Builds related to the Project (default)
- Status of Build Plans related to the Project (click Latest plan status at the top of the Builds page)
You will need the 'View Development Tools' permission in the appropriate projects, if you want to view the 'Builds' tab.
Builds related to the Project
By default, Builds displays the related builds, ordered by build date in descending order.
Setting up an RSS feed to track Builds related to the Project
You can set up an RSS feed to track this information by clicking on the RSS icon
in the top left section of the page. Each entry in the list will display information about the related build, including:- the build name and name of the build plan
- when the build was last run
- summary information, such as related builds, duration of the build, tests passed
- build labels (if any)
- links to build artifacts (if any)
Status of Build Plans related to the Project
The build plans listed will show the status of the build plan, (i.e. status of the latest build), including information about the latest build in the plan. Build plans are sorted by the plan name.