JIRA 3.11 Release Notes

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Atlassian Software Systems is delighted to present JIRA 3.11.

Upgrading to JIRA 3.11 is free for all customers with activeJIRA software maintenance as at 24th September 2007.This release focuses on time-tracking. Time-tracking data (that is, the estimated and actual time spent on an issue) now includes the issue's sub-tasks. The aggregated time-tracking data is displayed both within individual 'parent' issues and in the Issue Navigator, so it can be easily reported on, exported to Excel, etc.
Being able to track your project's Road Map (scheduled issues) has long been a useful feature of JIRA. But how do you manage programs of multiple, related projects? In JIRA 3.11, the new Road Map portlet shows upcoming milestones across multiple projects of your choice.

Upgrading to JIRA 3.11

JIRA 3.11 can be downloaded from the JIRA Download Center. Before upgrading, please refer to the JIRA 3.11 Upgrade Guide.

Thank you for your feedback:

31 new feature and improvement requests implemented
223 votes fulfilled

Your votes and issues help us keep improving our products, and are much appreciated.
Highlights of JIRA 3.11:

Highlights of JIRA 3.11:

Sub-task progress shown within issues

When viewing an issue, you can now choose whether to view time tracking data for the issue only, or for the issue plus its sub-tasks:

  • Click 'Issue' (in the Time Tracking box) to show time tracking data for the 'parent' issue only, or 'Issue & Sub-Tasks' to include the issue's sub-tasks.
  • Time tracking data comprises:
    • Original Estimate (blue) — the amount of time the issue was expected to take to resolve, when it was first created.
    • Remaining Estimate (orange) — the remaining amount of time the issue is currently expected to take to resolve.
    • Time Spent (green) — the amount of time logged working on the issue so far.

Please note that sub-tasks are only available in the Enterprise and Professional editions of JIRA.

Issue Navigator offers sub-task aggregates

To take advantage of the new sub-task aggregates, the following time tracking fields are now available in the Issue Navigator:

  • Progress — an issue's Time Spent, as a percentage of the issue's Original Estimate.
  • Σ Progress — the aggregate time spent on an issue's sub-tasks, as a percentage of the sub-tasks' aggregate Original Estimate.
  • Σ Original Estimate — the aggregate Original Estimate for an issue's sub-tasks.
  • Σ Remaining Estimate — the aggregate Remaining Estimate for an issue's sub-tasks.
  • Σ Time Spent — the aggregate Time Spent for an issue's sub-tasks.

Time Tracking reports now include sub-tasks

  • A 'parent' issue now has two separate sets of time tracking data, if applicable: (1) its own; and (2) an aggregate that includes the issue's own time-tracking plus all sub-tasks that the user has permission to see.
  • The Time Tracking report now includes the aggregate data as shown in the new 'Σ' columns:
  • Additionally, both the Time Tracking report and the Version Workload report now include options for choosing which sub-tasks you would like to include in your reports.

Multi-project 'Road Map' portlet

The new Road Map portlet is a handy addition to your JIRA dashboard. It shows upcoming project milestones (i.e. versions which are due for release within a specified period of time), and a summary of progress made towards completing the issues in those versions.

You can:

Performance improvements

JIRA 3.11 includes some significant performance tuning which should improve the experience of every JIRA user.

  • Page size has been reduced.
  • The effect of GZip compression has been improved due to optimised handling of Javascript and CSS. This will be of benefit to people using Firefox or Internet Explorer 7 browsers.
  • Caching has been optimised (see the Developer Blog).

Indexing improvements

  • 'Bulk operations' now re-index issues one at a time instead of all at once. This allows JIRA to better handle concurrent operations and higher user loads while maintaining index integrity.
  • JIRA now uses Lucene 2.2.0. This has two main benefits:
    • JIRA can now handle the input of and search on dates before January 1st, 1970.
    • JIRA now performs atomic updates to issue and comment indexes, providing greater consistency when searching.

JIRA Labels Plugin

Alongside JIRA 3.11, we're announcing a major overhaul of the JIRA labels plugin. The plugin implements a labels (or tags, sometimes known as folksonomy) custom field for JIRA. Labels or tags make it easier to organise a large set of data by arbitrary, user-defined criteria.

You can read more details on the developer blog.

Plus over 70 other fixes and improvements

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Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.

View these issues in Jira
Last modified on Aug 20, 2012

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