Contributors Summary Macro

Add the Contributors macro to a page to display statistics about people contributing to this page, a specific page, or set of pages. Contributors includes people who:

  • created or edited the pages
  • commented on the pages
  • added labels to the pages, or
  • are simply watching the pages.

This macro is great for:

  • collaboration leaderboards
  • recognising frequent documentation contributors
  • tracking contributions to high value pages.

On this page:

Screenshot: Page with two Contributors Summary macros, one displaying contributions by user, the other by page. 

Add this macro to your page

To add the Contributors Summary macro to a page:

  1. From the editor toolbar, choose Insert > Other Macros.
  2. Choose Contributors Summary from the Confluence content category.
  3. Choose whether to show contributions by user or page
  4. Set any parameters to refine your query.
  5. Choose Insert

You can then publish your page to see the macro in action. 

Screenshot: Setting parameters in the Contributors Summary macro

Change the macro parameters

Macro parameters are used to change the behaviour of a macro.

To change the macro parameters:

  1. In the editor, click the macro placeholder and choose Edit.
  2. Update the parameters as required then choose Insert.

Here's a list of the parameters available in this macro. 




Group By


Specifies the basis for grouping contribution-based statistics:

  • contributors — group by the people who have contributed
  • pages — group by the pages used to find contributors.

Columns to Display


Sets the columns that should appear in the table. The statistics or type of information presented depends on the basis for grouping set with the Group By parameter. Statistics may be calculated for:

  • edits — the number of times each contributor has edited the page(s) or the number of edits made to each page.
  • edited — a list of the pages edited by each contributor or a list of contributors who have edited each page.
  • comments — the number of times each contributor has added comments to the page(s) or the number of comments on each page.
  • commented — a list of pages to which each contributor has added comments or a list of contributors who have commented on each page.
  • labels — the number of times each contributor has added labels to the page(s) or the number of labels on each page.
  • labeled — a list of pages to which each contributor has added labels or a list of contributors who have added a label to each page.
  • labellist — a list of labels either added by each contributor or on each page.
  • watches — the number of pages being watched by each contributor/person or the number of contributors/people watching each page.
  • watching — a list of pages being watched by each contributor/person or a list of contributors/people watching each page.
  • lastupdate — the last time each contributor made an update or when each page was last updated. Valid updates can include edit, comment or label modifications to a page.

    One or more columns can be used.

Sort By


Sets the criterion used for sorting items in the table. The items sorted depend on the basis for grouping set with the Group By parameter. Sort criteria are:

  • edits — sorts items in the table based on the total number of edits made, either by a contributor or to a page.
  • name — sorts items in the table in alphabetical order, either by contributor or page name.
  • editTime — sorts items in the table based on when the contributor last edited a page (or a specified set of pages) or when the page was lasted edited.
  • update — sorts items in the table based on when the contributor last made any contribution to a page (or a specified set of pages) or when the page last had any contribution made to it.

Reverse Sort


Reverses the sort order of items in the table, as specified using the Sort By parameter. (Used only in conjunction with the Sort By parameter.)

Maximum Number of Items

no limit

Limits the number of contributors or pages in the table to the value specified. If no number is specified, all items are included.

Show Anonymous Contributions?


Includes individuals who have made anonymous contributions to a page.

Show Zero Counts?


Sets whether contributors or pages are included for which a calculated statistic is zero.

Page Name


Sets the page for which to calculate the contribution-based statistics. If no values for Page Name and Space(s) are specified, the current page is assumed.



Restricts the contribution-based statistics to the specified labels only. You can specify one or more labels, separated by commas.



Specifies the space key of the Confluence space which contains the specified page name or alternatively, specifies a scope of spaces to search. Space keys are case-sensitive.

This parameter also takes special values, including:

  • @global — All site spaces.
  • @personal — All personal spaces.
  • @all — All spaces in your Confluence site.

You can specify one or more space keys or special values, separated by commas.

If no Page Name and Label(s) are specified, all pages from the specified set of spaces are included.

Content Type

both pages and blog posts

Restricts page types to either pages (pages) or blog posts (blogposts). If no value is specified in the Macro Browser, both pages and blog posts are included.

Available values pages and blogposts.

Blog Post Date


Specifies the publish date for a blog post. The date format required is: YYYY/MM/DD.

Include Page Hierarchy

specified page only

Includes either the immediate children or all descendants of the specified page. If no value is indicated in the Macro Browser, only the specified page is included.

Where the parameter name used in Confluence storage format or wikimarkup is different to the label used in the macro browser, it will be listed below in brackets (example).

Other ways to add this macro

Add this macro as you type

Type followed by the start of the macro name, to see a list of macros. 

Add this macro using wiki markup

This is useful when you want to add a macro outside the editor, for example as custom content in the sidebar, header or footer of a space.

Macro name: contributors-summary

Macro body: None.

This example specifies a content type of blog posts:


This example specifies a content type of pages:

{contributors-summary:limit=10|spaces=ds,@personal|reverse=true|showAnonymous=true|scope=descendants|order=update|page=ds:Advanced Topics|labels=chocolate,cake|columns=edits,comments,labels,lastupdate|groupby=pages|contentType=pages|showZeroCounts=true}
Last modified on Jul 30, 2024

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