Troubleshooting and how-to tips for Atlassian products Browse by productData Center/ ServerJiraJira Service ManagementAutomation for Jira and ConfluenceConfluenceBitbucketHipChatBambooQuestions for ConfluenceCapture for JiraPortfolio for JiraFisheye & CrucibleSourceTreeCloverCloudAtlassian cloudHipChat CloudBitbucket CloudJira Align Popular articles Page: Sprints cannot be added to the Advanced Roadmaps plans Page: Migrating a Quick Start deployment to a different S3 bucket Page: Migrating a Quick Start deployment to a different S3 bucket Page: Jira or Confluence Cloud site is Running Slowly Page: Health Check: Database Collation in Oracle Page: Database Collation health check fails with PostgreSQL in Jira server Page: MySQL Database Collation health check fails in Jira server Page: Database Collation health check fails in Jira Server when using SQL Server Page: Unable to start Tomcat due to Alias name not identifying a key entry Page: How to restrict customers access to specific projects only in Jira Service Management Page: SourceTree Security Advisory 2017-05-10 Page: Can't check base URL warning in Confluence 6.1 or later Page: Epic or Story is not showing up on the Schedule view Page: SourceTree for Windows 1.10.0-* authentication and accounts updates Page: Jira server Base URL health check fails See all About Atlassian Support Page: Compare Atlassian cloud vs server Page: Atlassian Support End of Life Policy Home page: Atlassian Support Offerings