Crowd 4.2 Upgrade Notes

Crowd 4.2.0

Password encryption

Starting from Crowd 4.2 all passwords for external systems stored in Crowd are encrypted by default. If you're an upgrading user, your passwords stored in Crowd will be encrypted automatically during upgrade to Crowd 4.2 or later. 

Staring from Crowd 4.2 it's crucial to make sure you backup your encryption keys. Without them you won't be able to properly restore Crowd from backup.

How do I backup and restore keys?

The keys are stored in the shared folder {crowdHome}/shared/keys. To backup the keys copy the mentioned directory to the secure place.

To correctly restore from backup with encrypted passwords, corresponding keys must be present in the {crowdHome}/shared/keys, otherwise Crowd won’t be able to decrypt passwords.

For more information, see Password encryption

End of support for IE 11

With version 4.2, Crowd stops supporting Internet Explorer 11. 

End of support for Oracle 12c R1 database

Starting from version 4.2, Crowd will no longer support the Oracle 12c R1 database.

Microsoft Edge Legacy deprecated

Support for the Microsoft Edge Legacy browse will end in the coming releases. 

Known issues & Security considerations

Crowd 4.2.0

T Key Summary

Last modified on Oct 28, 2020

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