Restricted request types

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Restrictions on request types allow you to control who can raise a specific request type. For example, you might want to restrict sensitive request types like employee pay hike to just managers and HR staff. You can restrict request types to individual users, groups, and organizations.

Use restrictions to cater to your business needs or organization workflows. They help you make sure that requests get created by the right people, route requests to the appropriate channels, and avoid creation of duplicate projects for different customer cohorts.

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Restrictions on request types only help you control who can create requests. They don’t help you control issue-level security and aren’t the same as request types that aren’t assigned to portal groups.

  • To control who can view an issue, use the issue-level security.
  • If a request type is restricted, admins and agents can’t create the corresponding issue or move a different issue to the restricted request type unless admins grant themselves or agents access.
  • A request type that hasn’t been assigned to any portal groups won’t be visible on the customer portal by default. However, it becomes visible when a help-seeker creates the request over email, or when an agent adds the help-seeker as either a request participant or requestor.

Restrictions applied to Request a new account request type

Add or remove restrictions

Who can do this?

Project admins

To add restrictions to a request type in you service project:

  1. Navigate to Project settings and select Request types.
  2. Select More actions and then Restrictions or select the lock icon on the request type you want to restrict.
  3. In the Restrict this request type dialog that displays, search for and add the user, group, or organization you want to grant access.
  4. Select Apply.

This request type is now restricted and can be only raised by the people you’ve granted access to.

To remove restrictions on a request type:

  1. Navigate to Project settings and select Request types.
  2. Select More actions and then Restrictions or select the lock icon against the request type you wish to restrict.
    The Restrict this request type dialog appears.
  3. Select Remove against the people you want to remove access.
    To remove all restrictions on the request type and make it available to everyone in the service project, remove everyone from the list.
  4. Select Apply.

View or raise a restricted request

Who can do this?

Agents, help-seekers, and admins with access

Restricted request types appear in the same way as other request types both in the customer portal and in the issue view. Only people who have access to a restricted request type can create that request. They can also raise requests on behalf of people who don’t have access from the customer portal (and also through the Reporter field in the issue view).

Others who don’t have access to that request type, won’t be able to raise that request as they won’t see it available as an option - even via search. They can only see them if they’ve been added as a request participant after the request has been created.

Agents can raise requests from the issue view or move an issue and help-seekers can raise requests from the help center, only if they have access.

Email channels

You can’t apply restrictions to request types used in email channels nor select a restricted request type in an email channel, allowing anonymous users to send requests through these channels. 

Automations for restricted request types

Who can do this?

Project admins

Even if you haven’t granted yourself access to raise a restricted request type, you’ll still be able to select and work with that request type in automation rules. But note that automations related to creating service management requests won’t work if the rule actor doesn’t have access to raise the selected request type.

Automate your project

Last modified on Sep 2, 2024

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