Preparing for Jira 8.2

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This documentation is intended for Jira developers who want to ensure that their existing apps are compatible with Jira 8.2. 

Quick info

Latest version

Here you can find information about the latest EAPs.

Application / Date

EAP number

Version (Maven)


Jira Core/Software


8.2.0-EAP01 (see below)


EAP | Source files

Jira Service Desk


4.2.0-EAP01 (see below)



All changes and EAPs

Below, you can see the summary of changes, and more details about them organized by the EAP they've been implemented in.

Summary of changes

In this section we'll provide an overview of the changes we intend to make in Jira 8.2, so you can start thinking how it might impact your apps. Once they're ready, we'll indicate when a change has been implemented, and in which milestone. 

GDPR changes in Jira

Status: ONGOING (for details, see GDPR changes in Jira)

To improve the compliance of Jira Server with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we'll be introducing a set of changes in Jira over the next few months. The first changes will be available to test in EAP 1, so we can gather your feedback and refine them. 

CDN for Jira Data Center


We're currently working on adding the ability to serve static assets from a CDN in Jira Data Center.

In Jira 7.0 we moved to stateless delivery of JavaScript and CSS resources. Apps that don't use the new APIs for web-resource transforms and conditions may cause static assets to be cached incorrectly, when CDN is enabled. See Stateless web-resource transforms and conditions to make sure your app is using the new APIs for web-resource transforms and conditions. 

We will also provide a health check on the CDN administration screen that will indicate if an app is using deprecated methods. 

These changes will not be included in Jira 8.2, but we're planning to add them in one of the next releases.

Microsoft SQL Server 2017


We're currently working on adding Microsoft SQL Server 2017 to the list of supported databases.

Support for Java 11


In addition to OpenJDK 8 and Oracle JDK 8, we will officially support running Jira on OpenJDK 11 and Oracle JDK 11. However, we still encourage the apps to be developed using Java 8 to ensure Java 8 compatibility and tested on both Java 8 and Java 11.

Polyfills in Jira

Status: IMPLEMENTED (for details, see Polyfills in Jira)

Jira 8.2 will be supporting new APIs, so you can use the EcmaScript language features and Browser runtime features without the need for providing your own runtime polyfills.

Changes to issue cards in backlogs

Status: IMPLEMENTED (for details, see EAP 1)

We’ve made small changes to issue cards displayed in backlogs to better handle long issue names. If the issue name can’t fit into the issue card, it’ll end with an ellipsis.

Implemented changes


Release date:  

AppVersion (download)Version (Maven)Downloads
Jira Core/Software8.2.0-EAP018.2.0-m0010

EAP | Source files

Jira Service Desk



Changes in this milestone

GDPR changes in Jira

This milestone contains the first changes related to the GDPR project:

  • Anonymizing users: new extension points that will notify your app when a Jira admin decides to anonymize a user.
  • Generating user keys: new way of generating user keys (hidden behind a dark feature flag) to reduce the amount of personal data we store in Jira.

For more info on these changes and the GDPR project in general, see GDPR changes in Jira.

Polyfills in Jira

Jira 8.2 will be supporting new APIs, so you can use the EcmaScript language features and Browser runtime features without the need for providing your own runtime polyfills. For details, see Polyfills in Jira.

Changes to issue cards in backlogs

We’ve made small changes to issue cards displayed in backlogs to better handle long issue names. If the issue name can’t fit into the issue card, it’ll end with an ellipsis, like in the following example:

Changes that might be interesting:

  1. We've removed the following wrapper: 

    <div class=“ghx-end ghx-row ghx-row-version-epic-subtasks”></div> 

    The content remains the same, but it no longer contains the <div> wrapper. We’ve removed it so we could make all elements included in an issue card display on one level and identify where the issue name ends.

  2. We've removed the following that controls the element displaying the user avatar and estimate: 

    <span class=“ghx-end ghx-extra-field-estimate”>

    Now, this element will aways use the following class (previously, it could use either of the two): 

    <span class=“ghx-end ghx-estimate”>
Last modified on Aug 13, 2019

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