Miscellaneous Articles
Platform Notice: Data Center - This article applies to Atlassian products on the Data Center platform.
Note that this knowledge base article was created for the Data Center version of the product. Data Center knowledge base articles for non-Data Center-specific features may also work for Server versions of the product, however they have not been tested. Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
- Cannot upload SQL files to JIRA on Windows
- Project Info Panel Does not Display
- Issues are Editable In Closed State
- Unable to Send a Support Request from the Administration Console of a Local JIRA Instance
- Unable to Create Issue Due to Data Corruption
- Jira users get unexpected email notifications from incorrect Jira Issue keys or from automation rules that were disabled
- Problems Configuring the Perforce Plugin
- Issue Type with Name 'Sub-task' Already Exists
- Pages Occassionally throws Invalid LOC Header (Bad Signature)
- 'ClassCastException org.objectweb.jotm.Current cannot be cast to javax.sql.DataSource' when Starting JIRA
- CVS Connection Cannot Be Made
- Cannot View Thumbnails of the Attachments in the Issue
- The Clone Link Type 'Cloners' Does Not Exist Due to Missing Property
- Workflow Transitions or Issue Edits Fail on Some Browsers
- XPP3 Pull Parser Library not Present
- Incorrect timestamps displayed in Jira server
- JIRA Fails to Connect to Database on System Reboot
- Can't Link to Local Files from within JIRA
- Accessing JIRA Issue Results in 'Error Re-indexing Changes for Issue'
- Seemingly Random Functionality Fails Due to Outdated JSP Work Directory
- JIRA Unable to Find Attachments
- JIRA Throw java.lang.IllegalStateException: No output folder
- Create Button is Missing from the 'Create Issue' Screen
- Duplicate Issue Type Appear In Create Issue Screen
- CAPTCHA Does not Appear Despite Several Login Attempts
- How to Convert a Multi-Select Custom Field into Labels
- JIRA Operation Fails due to 'Communications link failure'
- Spurious Error Message 'Unable to load a service descriptor for the job licenseFileMonitor'
- System Time and Time Displayed in JIRA are One Hour Different
- ClassFormatError Truncated class file
- 'org.apache.maven.reactor.MavenExecutionException: Cannot find parent' Error is Thrown When Trying to Compile SOAP Client
- Unable to render content due to system error in description and activity stream after upgrade
- Create issue fail with 500 page exception in the log
- JIRA Open Source Libraries and Licensing
- JIRA Performance Problems due to System Time Settings
- java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError while editing issues or filters or adding custom field
- Adding CVS Module In JIRA Fails With Error 'Error parsing cvs log: Invalid branch revision'
- Converting Issue to Sub-Task Failed Because of Blocking Browser Extension
- NullPointerException while linking issues
- Bulk Operations fail with a NullPointerException
- Unable to Add Subversion Repository Due to Cannot create directory /home/jira/.subversion/auth/svn.simple Error
- Restricted comments disappear after moving an issue to a new project
- Issue can not be opened Error When Trying to Select it in the Issue Navigator
- Unable to Attach File into JIRA via HTTPS
- Error Occurs on detail-module Under Issue View Page in Jira Datacenter/Server
- Old name of a renamed custom field still being used in Field Configuration
- Cannot login as sysadmin after import backup from JIRA OnDemand to JIRA Standalone
- Cannot upload DBF files to JIRA on Windows
- Disabling JIRA RSS Feature
- HowTo: Bulk Clear Resolution
- JIRA missing class exception org.apache.jsp.secure.views.browser.contentonly_jsp
- Modifying gadget limit on a dashboard
- How to set "Name" and "Email" as required fields in the Issue Collector
- JIRA Server could not be contacted Error when Editing or Creating Issue
- Viewing Project Summary Versions result in Exception
- NullPointerException Error Thrown While Trying to Create Sub-Task
- JIRA Fails due to Encountered a 403 Forbidden error loading this page
- JIRA Functionality Fails due to Incompatible magic value 0 in class file Error
- How to Determine which Projects in JIRA have Anonymous Access Enabled
- JIRA Missing Class Exception 'AllowOnlyIfTimeEntered'
- Cannot comment on issues due to [jira.rest.exception.ExceptionInterceptor] Returning internal server error in response due to JIRA Toolkit Plugin
- Not Found (404) when performing the Bulk Edit Group or editing smtp settings
- User Not Able To View Issues Error No Bean Is Defined
- NullPointerException at Issue creation
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method invoked on module descriptor after it was destroyed
- JIRA NullPointerException While Opening Existing Issue
- No project could be found with id XXXXX
- Issue Collector fails with "Oops! something went wrong" error
- Remove the Jira server announcement banner through the database
- How to Search for Highly Voted Issues in JIRA
- Cannot shutdown JIRA due to NoClassDefFoundError org.apache.lucene.index.CompoundFileWriter
- Disable comment auto collapse in Jira
- How to manage Jira Data Center license using database queries
- Jira Stops working after Disabling or Uninstalling Jira Service Management
- How to disable keyboard shortcuts in Jira Data Center
- Browsing projects throws ProjectRole can not be null error
- Resolutions and Permissions Missing from Simple Issue Tracking or Software Development Project
- Security Patch out of date - JIRA Security Advisory 2014-02-26
- Commit fails and quick search doesn't work with the error "Commit rejected: No project accepts this commit"
- Poor performance in Jira Server or Data Center caused by Atlassian Developer Mode -Datlassian.dev.mode=true
- Creating new project always creates a new issue type scheme
- Issue links disappear after they are added
- Picking a user for the Reporter or Assignee field fails with error after Jira server upgrade
- Copy JIRA Project as templates
- NullPointerException when using OBSS iPhone Client for JIRA
- How to customise number of "filters" and "recent issues" on JIRA applications Issues menu
- Enable or Disable GOT FEEDBACK button
- How to Restore a Single Attachment to an Issue in Jira (Server and Data Center)
- Unable to browse any projects due to 500 page error
- CORS in JIRA - Server could not be contacted error during Create Issue modal dialog
- How to disable Invite User functionality
- Jira run into OutOfMemoryError, CPU spike, or crash due to Large Comments or Descriptions in an Issue
- Issue Security Levels Locks Issues From All Users
- Finding the ID for Issue Types in Jira Server or Data Center
- How to retrieve Favorite Filters for a specific user via database query
- Clear the resolution field when an issue is reopened in Jira
- MySQL Data Access Exception - Errcode - 17 occurs with JIRA
- XML format for import & export files
- How does the Issue Linking search work
- Could not find valid 'id' or 'name' in object when using the ADD operation for REST API
- How to enable JSON export in Jira server
- How to only allow certain fields to be editable depending on Status
- JIRA throws "The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect" when deleting actors from Project Roles via REST API
- Could not save attachment data from stream error when adding attachments to issue in Jira server
- Find my custom field ID number in Jira
- How to remove Side Bar Introduction
- JIRA shows "Configured by OnDemand" in DVCS page
- JIRA throws MethodInvocationException when viewing History tab
- Application Link's Pop-up window's button is off the screen
- Spam from Google FeedFetcher requests cause CPU spike
- Locate Jira Server and Data Center file attachments in the filesystem