JIRA Administration Troubleshooting
- 'Cannot get issue navigator restriction clause' Error Appears in Logs After Modifying jira-application.properties
- 'java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Could not add user initiator to group' Error when Adding a User to a Group Due to Existing Crowd User
- 'SelectIssueTypeSchemeForProject.doExecute' Error when Assigning an Issue Type Scheme to a Project Fails Due to Invalid Project Data
- "GC (Allocation Failure) PSYoungGen:" multiple messages in atlassian-jira-gc-xxx.log.0.current logs
- 500 error due to corrupted field configuration scheme entries
- 500 Error Page when Copying a Permission Scheme
- 500 page error when using project issue filter
- Accessing the Administration page throws the error "Invocation of method 'getNotEmptySectionsForLocation'"
- Accessing the UPM throws a java.net.UnknownHostException
- Administration menu not visible or 'Admin Menu Section' plugin disabled
- After migrating JIRA from a server to another, can't execute the embedded JAVA command
- Apache Tomcat shuts down immediately after starting due to port bind on 8005
- Attachment thumbnail cannot be viewed
- Audit log contains 'java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to parse AuditLogEntry from JSON string:'
- Auto Assign is Going to Wrong User
- Blank page displayed when loading Permission Scheme configuration in Jira Datacenter/Server
- Cannot browse nor create Workflows due to Passed List had more than one value exception in Jira
- Cannot load Versions and Components if Project Key begins with a number other than 0
- Cannot remove JIRA Service from Windows
- Clone issue doesn't work on specific issue
- Configuring JIRA Service to Run on a Different JVM
- Created with no associated contexts error when trying to create projects in JIRA
- Date format not accepted when releasing a version
- Default Value For a Hidden Required Field Will Not Be Carried Over
- Didn't find any configuration service for bundle com.atlassian.streams.thirdparty-plugin nor any entities scanning for default AO packages.
- Disabling JIRA Screenshot applet
- Duplicate workflow drafts results in 500 errors when editing an affected workflow
- Editing a Custom Field throws "cannot be cast to java.lang.String"
- Error Importing from XML backup: A Group in the backup file is missing the groupName parameter
- Error when removing an option from a select list custom field
- Fixing Broken 'Projects' Drop-Down due to 'avatarId should not be null!' Error
- Granting Browse Project permission to Current Assignee, Reporter or User Custom Field Value allows all users to view Project information
- hipchat-client-io exception ERROR entries in log
- How to change the location of stdout and stderr logs
- How to disable JIRA Insiders pop up dialog
- How to make the select-list custom field visible when the value is 'None' (not selected)
- How to set the starting issue number for a project
- Inline editing of labels not functioning properly
- Internationalising is broken on UI after Jira upgrade
- JIRA: System Error When Project Administrator Trying to Access the Permission Page
- Jira displays a blank page when viewing the Notifications page in Project Administration, or throws a NullPointerException when adding a new SMTP mail server
- JIRA Does Not Start due to Index Lock File(s)
- JIRA has an empty "Shared Filters" and "Shared Dashboards" page even though there are shared filters/dashboards
- Jira MySQL Usage Fails With Error - java.sql.BatchUpdateException Lock wait timeout exceeded
- JIRA Pages Are Hidden After Configuring Announcement Banner
- JIRA stops creating tickets from emails
- JIRA throws "Internal Server Error" when trying to add users/groups to Project Roles
- JIRA Throws NullPointerException When Navigate To Project's Issue Types Tab
- JIRA times out when deleting project
- Logging is not Writing to Specified Location
- Making 'Assignee' field required when 'Allow unassigned issues' is turned ON in General Configuration
- Node does not start after a Zero Downtime Upgrade between major versions
- No delete option on Screens
- NullPointerException when creating, editing, moving issue, accessing the Screen tab from the Project
- NullPointerException when Deleting a Custom Field
- NullPointerException when Deleting an Issue Type
- NullPointerException when editing members of a Project Role
- Project Overview does not display any information
- Received java.lang.NumberFormatException when viewing issue history tab
- Service ID 'xxxxx' no longer exists
- Sort "Fix Version/s" into a correct order on the Issue Search result
- Sort Fix/Affected Versions into a correct order in the Issue Screen
- Temporarily changing the logging level doesn't work and no error is shown
- Too many WorkflowScheme schemes found for Project
- Unable to access JIRA Administration section
- Unable to add users to a project role
- Unable to Bulk Edit Security Level
- Unable to Create Issue due to corrupt Custom Field
- Unable to Delete a Project due to java.lang.NullPointerException
- Unable to switch Issue Type Scheme due to inactive users
- User 'null' does not have permission to see issue
- User unable to access an issue in Jira with 'ProjectRole should not be null!' and HTTP 500 error page
- View All Projects return 500 error (com.google.template.soy.tofu.SoyTofuException: In template aui.avatar.avatar: In 'print' tag, expression "$avatarImageUrl" evaluates to undefined.)
- Workflow/Dashboard modification or plugin action leads to error "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_clusterlockstatus'"
Last modified on Feb 11, 2022
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