Advanced Roadmaps for Jira 3.29 release notes

Advanced Roadmaps for Jira release notes

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16 June 2020

We're pleased to announce the release of Advanced Roadmaps for Jira 3.29


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Get the latest features of Advanced Roadmaps for Jira

Manage all warnings in one place

Because the best laid plans of mice and of men sometimes go astray, we've created an easy-to-use centralized menu to view and manage your warnings that we're calling the warning center. This replaces the old hover-state warning notifications of old.

The warning center lets you categorize issues by warning type, show all issues with the same warning, and even hide or remove specific warning types from your total count to help you focus on which issues you'd like to address first. 

Learn more about the warning center

Visualize and plan for dependencies

For those of you who are more visual planners, the dependencies map is a new way to model and manage the dependencies in your plan. This  visualization  offers an alternative viewing method that shows issues with dependencies as tiles with arrows, creating  a more visually compelling and digestible plan .

Early access only

This is currently an early access feature and can only be enabled by your Jira administrator. Learn more about early access features

Learn more about the dependencies map

Feature enhancement:

Here's the latest improvement:

Enhanced issue search

When using issue search, some issues can't be displayed due to filters applied to your plan. With this update, we'll specify up to 2 hidden search results and tell you what filters you need to clear to display them.

Learn more about filtering issues

Performance and stability fixes

T Key Summary Status

Last modified on Sep 23, 2020

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