HipChat limited connectivity in Stash
On the global configuration screen for the HipChat integration the connection status is showing up as LIMITED
This is caused because HipChat cannot make a direct connection to Stash.
There are three possible connection states
- NOT CONNECTED Stash cannot make a connection to HipChat (https://api.hipchat.com/, or your HipChat Server instance).
- LIMITED Stash can make a connection to HipChat but HipChat cannot make a connection back to Stash.
- CONNECTED Stash can make a connection to HipChat and HipChat can make a connection back to Stash.
Stash only sends notifications to HipChat and so will function correctly in LIMITED mode, however future versions of Stash might require CONNECTED to offer full functionality.
There are two common causes of Limited mode:
- Stash is behind a firewall that is preventing HipChat from being able to contact Stash.
- HipChat was configured with the wrong base URL.
Stash is behind a firewall
If you are hosting Stash behind a firewall you won't be able to get Stash into the CONNECTED state without putting Stash on the other side of the firewall.
Because the current version of Stash doesn't need HipChat to be able to connect to it you can leave Stash operating in the LIMITED mode.
Stash isn't behind a firewall
It is likely that the hostname HipChat is using to contact Stash is wrong, You can check what hostname is being used by going to the integrations admin screen in HipChat https://www.hipchat.com/admin/addons, When you find Stash in the list of addons you should be able to see the hostname of Stash in the integration name.
If you weren't using a fully qualified domain name when you connected the integration HipChat will be trying to use that URL to contact Stash.
To fix this you need to follow the instructions for changing your baseURL that HipChat is using that are documented here: Unable to log in to HipChat from Stash