Insight 2.15 release notes

Insight release notes

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Say goodbye to old cascading selects, multi cascading selects or what ever kind of cascading fields you've used in the past. Say hello to the new Insight Reference Custom Field. Here is how you unleash the power of really deep dependencies.

Let's say you have the object type "Telephone" which consists of a "Hardware", "Software" and a "Color". You set up the attribute of the "Telephone" like this:

The object type graph will show you this:

You then create the instances (objects) of Telephones, Software, Hardware and Colors. You configure each Telephone with the supported hardware, software and so on.

This is an example of an Iphone:

This is an example of an Samsung:

Now, create an Insight custom field named "Telephone", a referenced Insight custom field "Software" and another one called "Hardware". You configure the custom field "Telephone" to point to the object type "Telephone" in your object schema.

You configure the "Software" reference custom fields to point to the "Telephone" custom field as parent, you set "Outbound references" and the reference type that you have set for attribute, in this case  "Deployed".

It might look like this:

So let's create a bug, it can look like this:

If you choose "Iphone X", the software options will be limited to iOS:

Insight will only show you the referenced objects in the list.

If you choose Telephone "Samsung", the software available will be "Android":

Insight reference custom field are great! There are no limitations of the reference depth. You may connect as many references (and custom fields) you like!
Last modified on Sep 23, 2022

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