Insight 5.5 release notes

Insight release notes

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General improvements

We recommend checking your import configuration after upgrading to Insight 5.5 to ensure they meet your requirements regarding the new Missing objects outbound references setting.

Support for "OR" in IQL

IQL now supports "OR" which adds a lot of power to the Insight platform. This is an example of an IQL:

"Partner Level" = "Platinum" OR "Service Agreement" IS NOT EMPTY

Inheritance support for Import modules

The import module engine now supports configuration of inheritance structure. This means that you can point different parts of the source/data to different child object types by configuring an IQL.

Let's imagine that you have a CSV file with a lot of servers and one column in the CSV file is "Vendor". You can then create an inherit structure in Insight with "Server" as parent, and different child object types for each vendor like (Apple, Microsoft, Dell, etc). And by IQL point the source to the different object types by IQL:

Config for objectType "Apple"

objectType = Apple

Config for objectType "Microsoft"

objectType = Microsoft

All data that's not configured for a child object type will be added to the parent, but you have the possibility to configure a child object type with an empty IQL that will be the default child.

Improved custom fields

We have improved all custom fields to support filtering on any attribute. The default is the "Label", but you can change or add any attribute to be available for search. We have also changed the custom fields to filter objects on "like" instead of "startsWith" as we have had up til today.


Filtering with "like" where any characters in the attribute to search will be in consideration.

Filter example


We have selected "Label" and "Role" to filter on and in this case we find objects from the "Role" attribute.

Filter example

Improved Insight Attribute Filtering

We have improved filtering of referencing objects in Insight attributes to support "like" instead of "startsWith" as we have had up until today.

Restriction on reference usage

With the "OR" support and an improvement of the place holder support we can now support uses case like "IP Address management" or any relationship where you want more like a "check out" strategy. One use case is when you have servers and IP Addresses, and you want to make sure that only one server can use a unique IP Address. This is the IQL to configure for the "IP Address" attribute on the Server object type:

object not having inR() OR object having inR(Key = ${Key})

This will make sure that you only can select an "IP Address" that not have any inbound references except the one that is set to the specific server.

Improved placeholders support

For any placeholder we have improved it to support retrieving the id or label on placeholders representing objects. The pattern is ${} or ${}. This means that you are able to filter on f.ex Issue type names, users display name, etc. This is supported for both internal JIRA fields and custom fields.

This is an example of an IQL with placeholders:

Organisation = ${} AND "Issue Type Id" = ${} AND Description like ${summary}


We have added the IQL function "having user" that will give you objects that have users or groups that a specified user/s belongs to.


"Group/s" having user("admin")
"Group/s" having user("currentUser()")
"Group/s" having user("currentReporter()")
"User/s" having user("admin")

We have deprecated some IQL functions:

  • connectedJiraIssues in favor of connectedTickets
  • jiraGroup in favor of group

Import configuration options

We have added a configuration option for imports called "Missing objects outbound reference". This setting will determine if the outbound references will be removed if the object is missing in the report or if the outbound references should remain when the object is missing. This is especially useful when using Insight Discovery imports.

Other fixes

  • Referenced fields supports filtering from different objects schemas than the parent field configured schema
  • We have been working on decreasing the memory utilization, both from an Insight index perspective as well as during import synchronizations
  • Placeholders in Jira transition screens are now fixed and supported
  • Fixes issue when moving an object type caused the object types "below" to be hidden temporarily
  • Fixes issue when notification emails did not show the names of the changed attributes
  • Fixes issue with basic search filter 
  • Fixes issue when placeholder was replaced with an invalid IQL value
  • Fixes issue with time report 
  • Fixes issue with IQL function currentProject() 
  • Fixes issue when cache was not updated on object type move
  • Fixes issue when object schema manager was not able to move objects
  • Fixes issue with Json importer and multiple attributes 
  • Fixes issue with the Insight Script Console
  • Fixes issue with iqlFunction in JQL and Insight reference fields
  • Fixes issue with discovery import and not files present (long import time and handle missing objects)
  • Fixes issue with project placeholder in transitions
  • Fixes issue with automation e-mails not showing placeholders instead of attribute names
  • Adds the SCCM import link to the "Available Insight Import Apps"
  • Fixes the zip slip vulnerability 
  • Fixes issue with Jira User import only importing first 1000 users
  • Fixes issue with changing label in inheritance structure
  • Fixes issue with import sometimes identifies to objects to be the same even if they are not
  • Performance fix for icons
  • Performance fix in issue view with a lot of objects
  • Fixes issue with object history not presenting right user every time
  • Fixes issue when placeholder reporter was not working for users where user name != user key
  • Fixes issue when user import does not match the correct user if the user name != user key
  • Fixes issue with creating new import object type mappings
  • Fixes issue with long URLs got truncated in the UI 
  • Fixes issue with status field becomes unknown with restricted permissions 
  • Fixes issue when object name was not shown on confluence page
  • Fixes issue with multiple wildcards in basic search caused an error message 
  • Fixes issue on data center where import/export schema not using the shared folder 
  • Fixes issue when JSD approvers did not get a notification mail when used together with Insight read only field
  • Fixes issue when Jira issue history was not updated when all objects removed 
  • Improved performance on object list view when having a lot of confluence pages linked 
  • Fixes issue with null pointer with linked Jira issues in some cases 
  • Option to store data source on temporary file during imports.
  • Fix for confluence attribute and also logging strategy
  • Fix for locking during import due to Atlassian cache
  • Improved the Insight integrity check during startup
  • Reduced memory consumption during database import module
  • Fixed issue with confluence Jira macro
  • Fixed email validation
  • Fixed issue with IQL Placeholder for group custom field type
  • Fixed upload global image in label template
  • Issue details not visible for Service Desk Customers
  • Select options in import should ignore case
  • Improved performance and DC compatibility
  • Possible to cancel processes by administrators
  • Fixed issue with duplicate values in attributes
  • Fixed improved Insight startup control of index
  • Fixed issue with "Like" operator for Group attribute
  • Fixes issue in Data Center when one node could cause objects to temporary disappear on other nodes 
  • User key will be the default identifier in newly created Jira user imports
  • Fixes an issue where Insight reindex froze 
  • Fixes a rare issue when an error message was shown editing an object
  • Fixes JAVA API to use an IQL string instead of the internal IQL class when using JAVA API to move objects
  • Fixes issue with Insight running on Jira < 7.4 and MS SQL database
  • Fixes issue when customer in JSD did not see Insight objects 
  • Fixes issue with imports sometimes adding multiple attribute values
  • Fixes issue with Insight custom fields on transition screens
  • Fixes focus on cancel button when triggering imports manually
  • Fixes issue with case in-sensitive statuses
  • Improves performance when loading icons and avatars
  • Minor fixes

Before upgrading to Insight 5.5

Upgrade from Insight 4.x.

We strongly recommend that you review all your import configurations after you have upgraded to Insight 5 from Insight 4. 

If your installation of Insight is configured with an Insight Discovery import you will have to do the following after you have installed Insight 5:

  1. Download and install version 2.x of Insight Discovery from Marketplace
  2. Navigate to your Object Schema where your Insight Discovery import is configured and press Migrate Configuration
  3. Verify the migrated import configuration

If your installation of Insight is configured with a Tempo Account import you will have to do the following after you have installed Insight 5:

  1. Download and install Insight Tempo Integration from Marketplace
  2. Navigate to your Object Schema where your Tempo import is configured and press Migrate Configuration
  3. Verify the migrated import configuration

Last modified on Sep 23, 2022

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