Insight 8.7.6 release notes
Release notes for DC
Before upgrading to v8.7, read the preparation guide here.
- Fixed an issue where exporting objects using encoding, other than UTF-8, ignored the users choice.
- Improved performance when doing object schema export to minimise risk for Java OutOfMemory exception.
- Fixed an issue where moving an object removed all inbound references.
- Fixed an issue where users with object type developer permission couldn’t choose users in a user attribute field when creating or editing objects.
- Fixed an issue where object showing in User Profile, did not expand and it was not possible to navigate to the Object Page.
- Fixed an issue where automation actions with multiple values in a placeholder didn't add all the values.
- Fixed an issue where changing a users role didn’t sync on other nodes.
- Fixed an issue where the condition in an automation rule was ignored.
Release notes for server
Before upgrading to v8.7, read the preparation guide here.
- Fixed an issue where exporting objects using encoding, other than UTF-8, ignored the users choice.
- Improved performance when doing object schema export to minimise risk for Java OutOfMemory exception.
- Fixed an issue where moving an object removed all inbound references.
- Fixed an issue where users with object type developer permission couldn’t choose users in a user attribute field when creating or editing objects.
- Fixed an issue where object showing in User Profile, did not expand and it was not possible to navigate to the Object Page.
- Fixed an issue where automation actions with multiple values in a placeholder didn't add all the values.
- Fixed an issue where the condition in an automation rule was ignored.
Last modified on Sep 23, 2022
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