Insight 2.29 release notes
Implemented in version 2.29
- Possible to add multiple LDAP configuration and External CSV connections.
- Possible to set attribute types in LDAP configurations. Use #user, #integer etc to specify attribute types. This is the same as in External CSV import
- Possible to schedule JIRA User Import. The status of a user account is now visible on the object and JIRA avatars are also imported.
- Possible to schedule TEMPO Account import.
- Possible to set attribute value when an entry is removed in External CSV, LDAP and Tempo Accounts instead of removing the object. Removing objects is still possible.
- CSV Import creates referenced objects if they are not already created for convenience. If mandatory validation on attributes exists the object creation will be ignored.
- New Post Function to be able to set an object attribute value depending on selected custom field object.
- The post function to "set a custom field value to object attributes of selected objects" now support User Picker and Multi User Picker.
- JQL function "attributeInValue" now supports "startswith" and "endswith" operator.
- Shows object count in object schema overview.
Bug fixes:
- JIRA Service Desk Portal white page fix after install or license upgrade.
- Object Picker attributes fix for permissions.
- Insight Administrator permission was too strict.
- Object Picker Tree empty when only one object type. The Object Type will now be shown as expected.
- JQL function "attributeInValue" bug fixes for project and version type.
- JIRA Calendar still in english, even if changed to another language like Spanish.
- Reference field values in email subscription notifications are invalid.
- JIRA Service Desk Portal white page fix after install or license upgrade.
- Minor improvements
The next release will be about User Experience and if you have any feedback in what we should implement, feel free to give us your improvement requests so you are able to contribute on our next release!
Last modified on Sep 23, 2022
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